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Zeke Two Tone's Diary

Zeke Two Tone's Diary

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: House Item Subtype: Book
Zeke Two Tone's Diary
Icon book green 01 (Common)
This item can be placed in any house type.
Obtain: Reward from the quest "The Name of My Forefathers" in Maj'Dul..

\aITEM -1757216284 1512150227:Zeke Two Tone's Diary\/a \aITEM -1757216284 1512150227:Zeke Two Tone's Diary\/a
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Book Text

Zeke Two Tone's Diary
Style: House Item
LootDB Link: LootDB

The pages are torn and difficult to decipher, but this appears to be Zeke Two Tone's diary. Reading it might help Zeke get back his memory.

Day 28 - I have circled all of Norrath it seems, trying to find what happened to the Two Tone family. Am I really the last Two Tone? My forebears came from Nektulos Forest, but there is no one there now who remembers us.

Day 36 - Perhaps I should not have taken passage aboard that creaky freighter after all. It went aground in waters so still I could see my own reflection! There were few other survivors, the ship sank so quickly. Fortunately I had this journal in my pocket. My harp is damaged, but at least I have it as well.

Day 59 - Cannot find water. The shimmering spring I straggled to with the others is poison. Must find shelter. They came at night and took some of the men but I hid from them. What foul purpose these creatures may have, I do not know. I do not know.

Day 108 - My companions and I were rescued by the djinn, who brought us to their shining city in the sky! And yet, my heart fills with foreboding. I lacked nothing, until I asked for my harp. The response was dreadful. They separated me from the others. I am lost, in these dark caverns that hang beneath the beautiful citadel of the djinn. Are all things of beauty so corrupt? Someone comes.


