The pages are torn and difficult to decipher, but this appears to be Zeke Two Tone's diary. Reading it might help Zeke get back his memory.
Day 28 - I have circled all of Norrath it seems, trying to find what happened to the Two Tone family. Am I really the last Two Tone? My forebears came from Nektulos Forest, but there is no one there now who remembers us.
Day 36 - Perhaps I should not have taken passage aboard that creaky freighter after all. It went aground in waters so still I could see my own reflection! There were few other survivors, the ship sank so quickly. Fortunately I had this journal in my pocket. My harp is damaged, but at least I have it as well.
Day 59 - Cannot find water. The shimmering spring I straggled to with the others is poison. Must find shelter. They came at night and took some of the men but I hid from them. What foul purpose these creatures may have, I do not know. I do not know.
Day 108 - My companions and I were rescued by the djinn, who brought us to their shining city in the sky! And yet, my heart fills with foreboding. I lacked nothing, until I asked for my harp. The response was dreadful. They separated me from the others. I am lost, in these dark caverns that hang beneath the beautiful citadel of the djinn. Are all things of beauty so corrupt? Someone comes.
EQ2i credits The Athenaeum for the lore text in this article.