What does this information mean?
- Speak with the old nomad, Gierasa Kulnovich at ( 409, -47, -805 ) Copy/waypoint 409, -47, -805.
- Find a woman in The Tower of Zarvonn at the northern part of The Commonlands.
- Speak with Assistant D`Verin upstairs at ( 909, -21, -521 ) Copy/waypoint 909, -21, -521
- Gather the skulls from the orc skeletons that appear to be leading the other undead.
- Speak with D`Verin.
- Speak with Overseer Melicinn, D`Verin's mistress, at the top of the tower.
- Find the lost soul and recover ectoplasmic goo from its remains.
- Return to Overseer Melicin to complete the quest.