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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Commonlands  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 15 (Tier 2)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Commonlands more
How to Start Speak with Impelia Abettus at The Crossroads. ( -432, -44, -276 ) Copy
part of: The Commonlands Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with the old nomad, Gierasa Kulnovich at ( 409, -47, -805 ) Copy.
  2. Find a woman in The Tower of Zarvonn at the northern part of The Commonlands.
    • Speak with Assistant D`Verin upstairs at ( 909, -21, -521 ) Copy
  3. Gather the skulls from the orc skeletons that appear to be leading the other undead.
    • Obtain 4 skulls by killing the fallen orc lieutenants at ( -1188, -48, -460 ) Copy
  4. Speak with D`Verin.
  5. Speak with Overseer Melicinn, D`Verin's mistress, at the top of the tower.
  6. Find the lost soul and recover ectoplasmic goo from its remains.
  7. Return to Overseer Melicin to complete the quest.

