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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The City of Freeport  (AA)
Introduced LU62‎
Journal Level 80 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak with Cleerie Germinas-203, -56, 47 ) Copy
part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
Plots Within Plots
A Knight in The Graveyard (Fighter)
Of Spells and Swords (Mage)
How the Mighty Fall (Priest)
Changing Hoods (Scout)
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


If doing the Priest epic 2.0 and you haven't done Thesla Blackthorne's quests yet, Cleerie Geminas will tell you to talk to Thelsa Blackthorne near the Temple of War. Do her quest series first.

  1. Use the portal at the Overlords Plaza ( 7, -20, 12 ) Copy to zone into the Overlord's Inner Sanctum and speak with Lucan D'Lere.

