EverQuest 2 Wiki
Wymbulu Vyx

Wymbulu Vyx

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Protector's Realm (Rise of Kunark)
Race Skeleton
Level 83▲▲▲ Tier 9 Epic x4 , (Approx. HP: 4,500,000)
Location Second room on the right from the entrance ( 32, -10, 216 ) Copy
Reported Drops
Melee Attacks Crushing
Spell Attacks Divine
Special Attacks

Blazing Strikes, Spinning Fury (~10-24K crushing to targets in melee range

AA Exp Yes
Status Points 16425

What does this information mean?


Position MT in one corner nearest the door to his room. Raid in other corner near door. MT pulls, OT pulls adds to corner opposite MT. Healers stay in corner near door, away from MT. All casters go to opposite corner and stay there. Burn adds, then name. Melee jousts Spinning Fury (50s timer). Mob is quite easy.
