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Wristlet of Prudent Purging

Wristlet of Prudent Purging

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Wristlet of Prudent Purging
This item appears to be able to be broken down into warborne ore.
Item 2198
White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
90 Primary Attributes 90 Stamina
1,598  Resistances
6.1% Crit Chance
5.4% Crit Bonus
9%  Potency
14.9% Reuse Speed
11.8% Casting Speed
297 Ability Mod
Slot Wrist
Level 90 (Tier 10)
All Priests
Obtain: From the Ornate Chest of Hand of Vallon in Vallon's Tower.

\aITEM 2138377603 -112099679 0 0 0:Wristlet of Prudent Purging\/a \aITEM 2138377603 -112099679 0 0 0:Wristlet of Prudent Purging\/a
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Armor Set: Spiritwalker's Aura of Frost

  • (2) 2% Potency +500 Ability Modifier


Daybreak Games
