By now you have to have 1x Fighter, 1x Healer, 1x Scout, 1x Mage in your party or you will not be able to do the scripts.
To get access to this challenge-version, you must have defeated the boss-mob Vleecan Fele in the normal heroic version.
The path of the challenge zone is different to the solo and normal-heroic version.
Required/suggested Resolve for the zone is 3425 See also the Release-Note Update:114
You need to use Heroic Opportunities to survive the fights as finishing will trigger fightspecific effects. Know and master your type specific Heroic Opportunities options.
WARNING: All mobs in this zone have the need-Buff which increases damageoutput dramatically if more mobs (including trashmobs) are participating in fight.
Defeat Rohnny Jongi
Use Stifle Rune
Healers never ever cure any "normal" curses.
Slow DPS as the named script starts emergency healing if you are to fast
By 50% of health of the named a scout must search tumbstones and read the name of the pary member which have to be cured.
Heroic Opportunities must be finished by scout & mages or you will not be abled to heal / to be healed...
Defeat Blurcille Croubis
Use Stune Rune
Named kicks. So stand in a corner and be carefull as you get sometimes reflected by the wall...
Heroic Opportunities started by fighter must be finished ASAP by healers or you will not be abled to be healed as the detrimantal need reducses every heal by 100%. By finishing this HO this detrimantal will be "cured".
The detrimantal need must be cured asap. If one of the pary member is cured, everybody else will also be cured.
The detrimantal need will have a countdown starting with need. If this detrimantal is cured while the counter is over 5 the named will be healed. If the counter reaches 0 you will be killed. So start curing if the counter is at 5...
100% - 75% Health of Lord Vleecan F'Ele: Scout...can be ignored as you should have - meanwhile - enought DPS with you.
75% - 50% Health of Lord Vleecan F'Ele: Healer. Required sothat your heals work again.
50% - 25% Health of Lord Vleecan F'Ele: Mages. Required sothat your arcane cure is resetted.
25% - 0% Health of Lord Vleecan F'Ele: Fighter...need
Name has a deadly frontal attack. So only the tank stands infront of the named.
Script of the fight (based on the HP of the Lord Vleecan F'Ele) Short summery: Survive while you attack named up to 80%, do boxes, defeat Risen Rohnny, defeat Gattley's cannon first time, attack named up to 60%, do boxes, defeat Unburied Blucille, defeat Gattley's cannon second time, attack named up to 40%, do boxes, scout do cow run, attack named up to 20%, do boxes, burn/nuke/defeat Lord Vleecan F'Ele.
At 90%: Risen Rohnny joins the fight. Tank grap it, but ignore it. Still fokus Lord Vleecan F'Ele.
At 80%: Everybody has to run into/stand in his/her box for around 5 seconds (you will get a massage). When the boxes disappear it worked.
Kick a safespot e.g. on a barricade.
Lord Vleecan F'Ele teleports up the surrounding wall to a Gattley's cannon and attacks your party with range-damage. Note: You can port up to Lord Vleecan F'Ele with e.g. Shadow Assassin.
Go onto a barricade as Gattley's cannon does, beside damage, interrupt your casting. Note: Crouching on the barricade should further reduce incoming damage.
While standing on the barricades defeat Risen Rohnny.
Defeat as Gattley's cannon Note: As the incoming damage of the machinegun is no so high you can use this phase to recover.
At 70%: The Sub-Named Unburied Blucille joins the fight. Tank grap it, but ignore it. Still fokus Lord Vleecan F'Ele.
At 60%: Everybody has to run into/stand in his/her box for around 5 seconds (you will get a massage). When the boxes disappear it worked.
Kick a safespot e.g. on a barricade.
Go onto a barricade as Gattley's cannon does, beside damage, interrupt your casting. Note: Crouching on the barricade should further reduce incoming damage.
While standing on the barricade defeat Unburied Blucille.
Defeat as Gattley's cannon Note: As the incoming damage of the machinegun is no so high you can use this phase to recover.
At 40%: Everybody has to run into/stand in his/her box for around 5 seconds (you will get a massage). When the boxes disappear it worked.
Kick a safespot e.g. on a barricade.
Defeat 5x a blood coagulation
A scount must do the "cow run" and jump of before the cow run into the deep.
At 20%: Everybody has to run into/stand in his/her box for around 5 seconds (you will get a massage). When the boxes disappear it worked.
Burn named (handle kick...if you are not fast enough).