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Myr Druzaic Shrine
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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Language  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 45 (Tier 5)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Examine a book in one of the starting cities as noted below.
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NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

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Starting the Quest[]

The starter for this quest exists in five separate locations:

  • North Freeport, Academy of Arcane Science, main floor ( 11, -7, -128 ) Copy, stack of books on top of the table
  • South Qeynos, Mage Tower, yellow teleporter ( 707, 82, 127 ) Copy, examine the stack of books with the big green tome on-top next to Telamoninioon Orinsidian "Words of Pure Magic" text.
  • Kelethin, Kelethin Research Library building, ( 136, 109, 178 ) Copy, half stack of books on table
  • Neriak, City of Hate, Library of K'Lorn, ( -686, 18, 249 ) Copy, books on top of the shelf
  • New Halas, Glacierbane's Vault, ( -117, 148, -82 ) Copy, open book on the floor beside Dannon Ramsdell


  1. Each shrine can spawn in two different zones, about once an hour, with a delay that can be anywhere from a few moments to up to 45 minutes.
  2. At any given time a tier's shrine can be up in both locations, one location but not the other, or neither, or nowhere.


Myr Druzaic Shrine

The Myr Druzaic Shrine in Zek, the Orcish Wastes

Kab Druzaic Shrine

Kab Druzaic Shrine in Feerrott, near the Gulch of Thule.

  1. After examining the quest starter, you must find four Druzaic Shrines in the Shattered Lands.
    • Vul'Zet Druzaic Shrine (Tier 3)
    • Vul'Myr Druzaic Shrine (Tier 4)
    • Vul'Kab Druzaic Shrine (Tier 5)
    • Vul'Uzu Druzaic Shrine (Tier 5)
      • Everfrost503, -108, -1605 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, underwater, west of where Master Webclaw spawns. (Due north of the Spire)
      • Lavastorm86, -32, 139 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, Southwest of the lower Dragon's Breath Tunnel entrance. It's dark, so you can miss it.


  • The ability to speak the Druzaic language