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Windseller's Wrap

Windseller's Wrap

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Windseller's Wrap
Item 379
White Adornment Slot White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Black Adornment Slot 
160 Primary Attributes 160 Stamina
60.8 DPS
52% Crit Chance
9.6% Crit Bonus
9.6%  Potency
8.7 Spell Reuse Speed
Slot Waist
Level 92 (Tier 10)
Obtain: A potential reward from Crate of Ethereal Goodies from completing Chains of Eternity Advanced Solo instances

\aITEM -642517161 938024622 0 0 0:Windseller's Wrap\/a \aITEM -642517161 938024622 0 0 0:Windseller's Wrap\/a
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