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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Forum Lore
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start See Starting the Quest below
Preceded by:
Oww!! Me head!
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

Starting the Quest[]

There is no real way to start this quest other than to find some of the components. It does not appear in your journal like most quests in game and you receive no experience for completing it. The only reward is the book. The name of this quest is taken from the name of the thread posting in the SOE forums where the quest hints first appeared.


  1. Gather all the materials needed to recontruct the book:
    • 12 Translated Pages (see Discussion Page link). These are from glowing orbs found through Antonica and The Commonlands.
    • Vial of Enchanted Ink, from a clickable inkwell. Known locations include ( 704, 42, 107 ) Copy in the red portal of the South Qeynos Mage Tower. Go into the portal - then head down the steps and hang a right. It is on a desk in the back. You can also find it on a desk (7.69, -7.00, -133.0) in The Academy of Arcane Science in North Freeport.
    • fine volcanic ash from the Timorous Deep or from the beach in Lavastorm. The exact locations for this item seem to vary by server, although the Lavastorm beach locations are relatively similar. Don't worry about the mobs in Lavastorm if you're lower level. The ash can be found fairly quickly at the first beach as you zone in, near the non aggressive mobs. This will look like an oval mound of light brown dirt on the ground. Respawn rate seems to be about 10 minutes.
    • leatherbound backing, which can be purchased from any Sage type NPC, such as Sage Indis Surion (Mage Tower, yellow portal) in South Qeynos or Navarius Orvalis in North Freeport.
  2. Right click on the leatherbound backing to bind the book and collect your reward.

Volcanic Ash Locations Alphabetically by Server[]

Server Location Loc
Antonia Bayle Beach west of the Gorowyn Docks
Lavastorm beach to the left as you exit the dock
90, -128, 334 ) Copy LS waypoint only April 2, 2010 new Location June 2010! 2207.45,5.36,1231.71 This Loc is EAST of the Gorowyn docks. Other loc is 2396.44,12.41,881.25
Bazaar On the Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock -359, -129, 524 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI or ( -234, -129, 481 ) Copy Mar 24, 2010 AND found next to respawn tent at ( -183, -128, 489 ) Copy Apr 22, 2010 Also found at ( -143, -129, 483 ) Copy
August 6th 2010 found in Timorous Deep ( 2518, 39, 885 ) Copy
Befallen On the Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock -359, -129, 524 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI or ( -234, -129, 481 ) Copy Mar 24, 2010 AND found next to respawn tent at ( -183, -128, 489 ) Copy Apr 22, 2010
Blackburrow On the Lavastorm beach to the left as you exit the dock -66, -130, 442 ) CopyUpdated after GU55
Butcherblock By the Green Overlook 2201, 51, 1082 ) Copy Updated after GU55
Crushbone On Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock next to the respawn tent
In Gorowyn
-183, -128, 489 ) Copy
2397, 12, 875 ) Copy
Guk On the beach west end of the island, near Sentry Vylkren
In Lavastorm northeast of the respawn tent on the beach
2987, 6, 1171 ) Copy Updated Dec 27 2010
-233, -129, -480 ) Copy
Everfrost On the beach west end of the island, near Sentry Vylkren 2987, 6, 1171 ) Copy
Freeport On Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock -183, -128, 489 ) Copy
Kithicor On the beach west end of the island, near Sentry Vylkren 2987, 6, 1171 ) Copy
Lucan D'Lere On the Green Overlook, near Blacktalon 2826, 59, 999 ) Copy
Mistmoore SouthWest of Gorowyn Beach Outpost 2463, 8, 1459 ) Copy "As of 1 Apr 10" or ( 2614, 3, 1576 ) Copy "On 21 Apr 10"
Nagafen By the Green Overlook 2520, 39, 881 ) Copy or in Gorowyn( 2532, 14, 728 ) Copy
Najena Beach west of the Gorowyn Docks 2862, 6, 946 ) Copy 17 Apr 2010
On the Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock
Nektulos On Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock -183, -128, 489 ) Copy
Permafrost, Oasis On the beach under Gorowyn Docks
Oasis 2/18/11 2nd location
Oasis 4-9-10 Near cave entrance to Blackshield Pirate Cave
2151, 22, 1169 ) Copy, ( 2203, 52, 1083 ) Copy
2980, 7, 1261 ) Copy
Sebilis On Lavastorm beach to the left as you exit the dock -68, -129, 442 ) Copy
Splitpaw, Runnyeye On Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock -356, -129, 526 ) Copy
Test On Lavastorm beach to the right as you exit the dock 2615, 3, 1573 ) Copy
Unrest On the beach North East of Gorowyn, by the rock wall and pirates
On Lavastorm beach, to the right of the dock as you exit, nearly at the end of the beach
2532, 13, 726 ) Copy
-354, -129, 527 ) Copy
Valor On Lavastorm beach to the left as you exit the dock
On the Green Overlook, near Blacktalon
-68, -129, 442 ) Copy
2826, 59, 999 ) Copy as of 25 Nov 2012

