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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Village of Shin more
How to Start open the ingame mail from Captain Ethan Dariani with the subject "Greetings once again"
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
The Captain's Lament
Followed by:
An Urgent Call
subquests:several subquests see steps below
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

Starting the Quest[]

Read the mail from Captain Ethan Dariani with the subject "Greetings once again"

  • Note: Mail is not required. If you did not receive it, or if it was deleted, simply speak with Ethan Dariani in the Far Seas tavern in Isle of Mara at ( -89, -2, 105 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  • Must be tradeskill level 100 to receive mail/quest.
  • Mail has a typo and is from and signed by Ethan Darani (without i)


  1. Speak to Ethan Dariani in the Far Seas tavern in Isle of Mara at ( -89, -2, 105 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  2. Speak to Trader Cylianna on the Isle of Mara at ( -37, -3, 142 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI and complete the quest Assay of Origin.
  3. Speak to Ethan to update quest.
  4. Speak to Dror Ironstein at ( -232, 214, -191 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in Butcherblock at "Irontoe Outpost West". He will ask you to complete the sub-quest Ore of Yore.
  5. Speak to Forgemaster Gert at ( 916, -274, 122 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in the City of Thurgadin and complete the quest More Ore of Yore.
  6. Consult an expert of the Underfoot.
  7. Explore Maldura and complete the following quests:
    1. Stranger in Distress
    2. Menace in the Mine
    3. Scanning the Seals
    4. Monitoring the Situation
    5. Attuning the Portal
    6. Monitor Malfunction
    7. Researching a Solution
    8. Containing the Stone
      • Update: If you have already done all the subquests for Maldura, just go and speak to Brytthel at the top of the zone in the Palace of Unity.
  8. Return to Ethan in Mara.


The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: You need to finish The Captain's Lament to receive in game mail to start the quest
