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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Visions of Vetrovia
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Svarni Expanse more
How to Start Speak with Rithsar at ( 641, 7, 530 ) Copy
part of: Visions of Vetrovia Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Were Is the Messenger: Local Living
Followed by:
Were Is the Messenger: Find the Father

What does this information mean? Representative Mairen is off running a urgent message. I am not comfortable leaving Alghoza alone, no matter how mature she seems. I will keep her company for a while longer and find us something to eat.

Materials Required[]

Note: If the raw materials are already in your inventory, they will update the harvesting quest steps.


  1. Speak to Alghoza111, 5, 387 ) Copy
    • Take the raft at the end of the dock at ( 571, 2, 490 ) Copy to Kamapor.
  2. Travel to a nearby island ( -144, 39, -125 ) Copy
  3. Speak with Alghoza back in Kamapor ( 111, 5, 387 ) Copy (no quest flag) who becomes an NPC (quest flag) that follows you.
  4. Find an Island Upstream the waterfall ( -161, 40, -133 ) Copy
  5. Speak with her again to receive Recipe Scroll: Svarni Cooking
  6. Gather ingredients for fish lunch.
    • Fish 10 Svarni Silverfin
    • Obtain Svarni Spices from purple-flowered shrubs around ( -181, 40, -141 ) Copy.
    • Harvest 10 Narra Wood. You get these harvesting Fallen Branches.
  7. Start a campfire at ( -181, 39, -129 ) Copy.
  8. Gather ingredients for vegetarian casserole.
    • Gather 20 Wild Rice. (From Jungle Shrubs)
    • Gather 5 Mahngavi Mango. (From Jungle Shrubs)
    • Gather a vulrich egg from the sole Communal Vulrich Nest152, 8, -171 ) Copy.

      Communal Vulrich Nest

    • Gather Kiraberry Tea Leaves (small stand of grass) ( -196, 42, -126 ) Copy near the campfire.
  9. Create the Kinnahma Casserole (at the campfire).
  10. Return to Arpita Goyal113, 5, 387 ) Copy
  11. Look for Representative Mairen by speaking with Rithsar at ( 641, 7, 530 ) Copy

