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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Plane of Magic  (AA)
Introduced Planes of Prophecy
Journal Level 106 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Plane of Magic more
How to Start Speak to Lemistka at ( 176, 594, -529 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in the southern study area of Khali'Yrzu.
part of: Planes of Prophecy Timeline
Preceded by:
An Eye for Art
Followed by:
Further Applications

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak to Olinnisk-65, 11, 71 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI on the western bank of the northern Myhst River.
  2. Investigate the dark bubbling water at ( -66, 8, 61 ) Copy and kill the group of 3 watery forms that attacks.
    Dark bubbling water

    dark bubbling water

  3. Return to Olinnisk.
  4. Search the river's bank to the north to gather a strangely glowing stone-47, 18, 15 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
    A strangely glowing stone

    a strangely glowing stone

    • Note: It looks like a little black gem with black smoke coming out of it.
  5. Return to Olinnisk.

