EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Item, Location, Quest, Mob or NPC referred to by this page has been removed from EverQuest II.
This article is being retained for historical reasons
Replaced by, and merged with the Warcaster's Aura of Death (Armor Set)

Armor Set: Warmage's Aura of Death

  • (2) 3% Potency, +675 Ability Modifier, 1% Doublecast Chance

This armor may be worn only by: All Mages

This armor is obtained as follows:

Item Dropped by Zone
Frozen Energy Clasp Iilatus Frostbeard Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime (Challenge)
Bangle of Searing War Supreme Imperium Valdemar Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone (Challenge)
Wristlet of Seizurous Assault (no longer drops) Mrogr Bloodtaint Sullon's Spire (Challenge)
Dominant Wristlet of Assault Mrogr Bloodtaint Sullon's Spire (Challenge)
Ancient Bracelet of Corroded Amethyst (no longer drops) Hand of Vallon Vallon's Tower (Challenge)
Forceful Bracelet of Corroded Amethyst General Utehk Tallon's Stronghold (Challenge)
Stalwart Bangle of the Fallen Lichlord Skulldugger Vallon's Tower (Challenge)
Bangle of Elemental Enslavement Harpy trash Plane of War
Armband of the Hendin Shadow Savant (no longer drops) Harpy trash Plane of War
Modulated Armband of the Hendin Shadow Savant Harpy trash Plane of War
Rending Bangle of the Morlock Tagrin Maldric Plane of War
Forceful Wristlet of Phlebotomization Reversal Generals Plane of War
Armband of the Fate Revisionist (no longer drops) Tagrin Maldric Plane of War
Modulated Armband of the Fate Revisionist Tagrin Maldric Plane of War