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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Eastern Wastes  (AA)
Introduced LU61
Journal Level 92 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Eastern Wastes more
How to Start Speak with Tragg Sharptongue just inside the main building of Clan Ry'gorr, by the fireplace.
part of: Eastern Wastes Timeline
Preceded by:
Brothers in the Hills
Followed by:
Rise of Thrael'Gorr

What does this information mean?


  1. Travel (fly) to ( -281, -136, 2361 ) Copy and hail Chief Thrael'Gorr
  2. Escort the orcs to ( 389, -56, 2637 ) Copy and kill the Drakonine Watcher (Level 92^ solo)
    • If you can fly, you can bypass the level 92 sinister sentinels that are on the ground between your starting and ending locations.
  3. Return to Tragg Sharptongue



EQ2 Game Update on Oct 1, 2013 Upped stats on most Velious Loot. Removed some rewards in place of random adornments ( Influx of new F2P instant Level 85's joining the game )

(Pre-Cov Rewards)


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