EverQuest 2 Wiki
Wai Yuk, Cousin of the Sea

Wai Yuk, Cousin of the Sea

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Pillars of Flame (Desert of Flames)
Race Human
Level 57▲▲▲ Tier 6 Heroic
Location Master's Plateau (see below)
Reported Drops
Linked with an Ashen Disciple x3
AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


  • To spawn Wai Yuk you need to kill the place holder heroic groups around Master Irudan Ortai. There are five heroic groups of Ashen Disciple monks (apprentices and disciples) that practice their martial arts at each other. Their locations, starting at the bridge and working clockwise are:
    • 422, -193, -1565 ) Copy
    • 383, -157, -1666 ) Copy
    • 299, -165, -1673 ) Copy
    • 254, -191, -1611 ) Copy
    • 356, -194, -1572 ) Copy

