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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Vesspyr Isles  (AA)
Introduced Tears of Veeshan
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Vesspyr Isles more
How to Start Speak to Harla Dar-109, 51, 747 ) Copy
part of: Vesspyr Isles Timeline
Preceded by:
Seize on the Breeze
Followed by:
Reaching Fraka
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. I must take the battle back to Lord Vyemm in the Droumlunds.
    • Lord Vyemm rests upon a dais at ( 267, 320, -921 ) Copy.
    • When you near Vyemm, you will be attacked by a group of aerakyn.
  2. Search the underside of the Droumlands for Lord Vyemm.
    • Find the landing pad for the roost beneath the Droumlands ( 429, 183, -577 ) Copy, then enter the building.
    • The update is several rooms in. ( 457, 186, -672 ) Copy
  3. Continue deeper into the roost until you find Fraka Dar. ( 402, 183, -838 ) Copy
  4. Return to Harla Dar.


None of the creatures in the roost see invis.

You can skip the building altogether in step 2 by flying into the island from underneath. Enter at ( 378, 114, -800 ) Copy and fly up into the chamber above for the update. (This route is blocked by an invisible barrier until you complete prior quest steps.)

