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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Armor Set: Voidcry

  • (2) +20 INT
  • (3) Applies Quicksilver Blood IV.
    • Applies Quicksilver Blood IV to qualifying pets.
      • Increases Ability Casting Speed of target by 4.0%
      • Increases Ability Reuse Speed of target by 4.0%
      • Increases ability modifier of target by 35.0
  • (5) Applies Greater Grave Elemental's Affliction.
    • On a successful hostile spell this spell has a chance to cast Greater Grave Elemental's Affliction on target of spell. Lasts for 30.0 seconds. This effect will trigger an average of 1.8 times per minute.
      • Decreases Mitigation of target vs elemental damage by 730
      • Inflicts 592-987 heat damage on target
        • If conjuror
      • Decreases Mitigation of target vs noxious damage by 730
      • Inflicts 592-987 poison damage on target
        • If necromancer

This is the TSO Armor Set (Tier 2) for: Summoners ( Conjuror, Necromancer ) that can be obtained via the Void Shard Mission System.

These pieces are available for vendor purchase from a mysterious Quellthulian, designated as the <Greater Shard Armor Merchant> in Moors of Ykesha at the Dropship Landing Zone1680, 452, 894 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. They can also be created by crafters.

These pieces are upgrades from the equivalent Tier 1 pieces from the set: Summoner's Calling (Armor Set)

This armor set can be further upgraded to Fabled shard armor set (Tier 3): Fiery Destruction (Armor Set)

Shard Costs
Armor Piece Cost
Aramid Hood of the Voidcaller
Aramid Robe of the Voidcaller
Aramid Mantle of the Voidcaller
Aramid Gloves of the Voidcaller
Aramid Pantaloons of the Voidcaller
Aramid Slippers of the Voidcaller

Note that the Void Shard costs in the above table are for vendor purchase. If purchased from a crafter, the Robe and the Mantle cost three shards less, the other four pieces each cost two shards less.
