EverQuest 2 Wiki
See Collection Quests Timeline for a generalized list of all collections found in EQ2.


This timeline gives details about the collection quests introduced as part of the Visions of Vetrovia expansion.

Overland Collections[]

Svarni Expanse[]

Karuupa Jungle[]

Mahngavi Wastes[]

Forlorn Gist[]

Overland Meta Collection[]

Overland Purple Collections[]

These are only visable after completing Heck of a Ghoul Time

Purple Collections[]

Purple Meta Collection[]

POI and Dropped Quest Collections[]

POI Collections[]

Dropped Quest Collections[]

POI and Dropped Quest Meta Collection[]

Solo Instance Collections[]

Svarni Expanse Solo Instances[]

Karuupa Jungle Solo Instances[]

Mahngavi Wastes Solo Instances[]

Forlorn Gist Solo Instances[]

Castle Vacrul Solo Instances[]

Solo Meta Collection[]

Heroic Instance Collections[]

Svarni Expanse Heroic Instances[]

Karuupa Jungle Heroic Instances[]

Mahngavi Wastes Heroic Instances[]

Forlorn Gist Heroic Instances[]

Castle Vacrul Heroic Instances[]

Heroic Meta Collection[]

Final Meta Collection[]

Coffers and Coffins (LU119)[]


Solo Instance[]

Heroic I[]

Heroic II[]

Meta Collection[]
