![]() Veksar: The Sunken Theater | ||
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Shortly after the Shissar were run out of Kunark, a resort by the name of Veksar was built by the Kylong Iksar Tribe. After standing upon a lake in the middle of Kunark for nearly 1,000 years, Veksar was destroyed by a dragon, Garudon, and sunk to the bottom of what then became known as the Lake of Ill Omen. After Veksar's destruction, it was said to be inhabited by sea life and the spirits of those killed in the incident.
- It has a similar layout to Veksar: The Invasion, but with additional areas and bosses.
- The chest for an extra Void Shard is at ( -110, -2, -122 ) . The key drops from An acolyte of the Whisperer, at ( -43, -3, -156 ) .
Void Shard Quests[]
Daily Double[]
(obtained from Ragheejb Yasir in Moors of Ykesha)
Rotating Daily[]
(obtained from Lieutenant Kresic in Fens of Nathsar)
As with the original Veksar dungeon, there are mobs that will be hidden until you approach them, generally in pools. The hunting shades at ( -31, -3, -112 ) and ( -78, -2, -86 ) will respawn after a few hours, but they cannot see invisible players.
Entry Hall Start by swimming north and then west where you will be ambushed by A laved horror. Kill it and continue fighting your way north. There will be an intersection before getting out of the water that leads west. It is currently blocked by a waterfall that must be switched off before you can pass through it. The statue in the next western room with in the hallway going north is the switch. Recommend approaching the waterfall and killing another A laved horror before proceeding.
This room will have some fishmen guards at the door and some additional mobs circling the statue in the center. After killing them, you are free to right click the statue to change the direction it faces which will 'unlock' a passage depending on which option you choose. Select the 'Turn Left' option and backtrack back south down the hall to the room previously blocked by the waterfall. Prepare for your first named encounter.
This room contains four fishmen guards and Ul'lugh the Divine on the center platform. The named is actually 'tethered' to this room so a good strategy before engaging him directly is to have the puller run around and grab all of the guards to pull them out into the hallway to kill them so that Ul'lugh can be engaged solo afterwards. No real special attacks other than a knockback. After he is dead, return back to the statue room and this time select the option to 'Turn Right'.
Proceed north down the hall until you are in the room with another waterfall blocked door to the north and a door to a hall leading west. Go west and prepared to get ambushed in the pool of water by another A laved horror. The room at the end of this hall should be accessible now, if there is still a waterfall blocking the door you forgot to click the statue to turn it to the right. Prepare for the second named encounter.
- One of the potential rooms that the Void Shard chest can spawn in.
There are two fishman guards right at the doorway and Gruerg the Ravager in the center of the room. As soon as you engage him he will use an ability called Yha-lei Onslaught that will spawn three fishmen adds and an AOE poison called Kneel Before Me. It can be turtle/bard AOE blocked but it is usually not necessary unless the group has very low health. Once he is dead, return down the hallway to the previous room and the waterfall blocking the north path should no longer be there. Proceed forward.
- Note: Some caution should be taken from this point forward with the introduction of the A runed defender - they have an AOE called Concussive Blast that can hit for a decent amount but more importantly stun the entire group for a few seconds. If you pull them with other mobs it can lead to squishy party members dropping quick.
Continue progressing north and you'll eventually see another room to the west blocked by yet another waterfall. Disregard it for now and continue north through the door and into a larger room. Just inside this room there will be another smaller room to the right with a few goblins and a runed defender, kill them and go to the far east side of the room where there is an open book to the left. Click it to read and continue to the end where it says to 'Investigate the sound'. This disabled the waterfall you just passed a moment ago, backtrack to the hallway and setup outside the room.
One of the more potentially dangerous rooms if you are not careful. The named Boss Riggledub is not aggressive when you enter the room. There are however three groups of three goblins surrounding the room and a large red conning Epic x2 golem unconscious in the center of the room. Recommend setting up outside and having your puller run in to grab a group at a time and bringing them outside to kill. If you accidentally use a PBAE that hits the named or the golem, you're going to wipe.
Once the trash mobs are dead, you are free to roam the room. Around the room will be four 'pieces' of golems (two legs, a torso, and a head) and a gray pedestal on the ground on the eastern wall right behind the named. You now have to 'Build-A-Beargolem' that will fight and distract the massive golem while you engage the named. The order of parts are leg > leg > torso > head. As you drag and drop them onto the pedestal you will see them move into place and piece together as a 'not-as-massive- golem. It will automatically engage the massive golem which leaves you free to pull the named back to the group. He is a straight tank and spank style encounter.
After the named dies, the golems will still be fighting each other. The named drops an item called Golem Switch that you can loot and run back into the room to use on the massive golem which will kill it and cause your golem to despawn. Proceed back to the hallway and continue north and east to progress forward.
Proceed through the door and jump down to the goblins. There is A laved horror in the water to the east that you can opt to skip, just be mindful when fighting the other mobs if you get pushed into the water it will ambush you. Continue down the south hall and into the next room.
- One of the potential rooms that the Void shard chest can spawn in.
Clear out the room. Recommend pulling the wandering goblins in the room to the south back into this room but be mindful of not getting close and agro'ing the next named, Cribblekeep.
- The key mob An acolyte of the Whisperer is in this room to the east of the named.
After killing the couple of wanderers there will just be Cribblekeep and the key mob. The named has the same Concussive Blast ability as the golems, so if you have someone that can open with an AE blocker it will be easier to get into position. He will also spawn defenders that continuously ward him, so depending on the groups DPS there are a few strategies. High DPS groups can likely just stick to Cribblekeep and burn him down, overcoming the wards from the defenders. Groups with lower DPS can mesmerize the named, burned the defenders down, then switch back. If the group has decent coordination you can also possibly stun lock and interrupt the named to prevent him from getting the ability to spawn the defenders off in the first place. Once he is dead make sure you also kill the key mob to the east if you have not yet.
The door leading south is locked when you first go to it, to unlock it grab the staff about 15 meters north-west of the door at ( 5, -4, -145 ) . Pick it up and place it on the small triangle directly in front of the locked door to open it. Proceed south into the three way intersection.
Currently the south door is locked, so continue eastward. Another pool of random water in the hall, so another ambush, this time A hunting shade. Proceed further east to the next intersection.
As with the prior intersection, the way south has a locked door. You can kill the two guards and the A hunting shade that is waiting to ambush you in the water, otherwise proceed further east.
- One of the potential rooms that the Void shard chest can spawn in.
Clear the mobs and head to the east wall. Click it to destroy it and reveal an orb you can click and activate. This will unlock the south room at the first intersection leading to the next boss encounter.
Initiate the encounter by clicking the top of the sarcophagus in the center of the room to spawn Lord Sasil. Initially he will be immune to damage but in the south corner four targetable coffins will have spawned and are attackable. When the coffin is destroyed, one of the 'parts' of the named will spawn immediately afterwards (Lord Sasil's Arms, Lord Sasil's Head, Lord Sasil's Legs, Lord Sasil's Ribcage). It is recommended that you focus fire one coffin and the corresponding named down before moving onto the next. Sometimes killing them to close together bugs the named to where he will not take damage even when all four parts have been destroyed. Lord Sasil himself is a simple tank and spank encounter once he's able to take damage. Once dead, the final door at the second intersection is now unlocked and you can proceed to the final room and zone boss.
- Note: Recommend setting up for the next phase outside of the actual chamber with the named to single pull the golems. Pulling two at once can be devastating with their two Concussive AOE's going off simultaneously.
Four of the golem guardians line the path to Garudon in the center. Kill the golems and get ready for the named encounter. The fight consists of three phases:
- Phase 1 - A single heroic floating wyrm. Quickly burned down with standard attacks.
- Phase 2 - A heroic with a group of adds. If you have decent passive AOE DPS your group can likely stay on the named and the adds will die from the residual overflow damage.
- Phase 3 - Dragon Garudon. This form has a bit more health and potential to do damage, especially with the tail lash so try to avoid standing right behind me. Recommend using AE blockers right as the Phase 2 form is about to die and then focus fire big hitting abilities to try to have him burned down before the blocker wears off. If your group has lower damage output, may be wise to have the priests and casters stay at max range to avoid being stifled and power drained.