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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Ballads of Zimara
Level Range 125-130
Zone in from Zimara Breadth
Entrance is at

portal at ( -488, 162, -605 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Persistence 1h30mins - 3days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?

Walkthrough (copy from Solo)[]

  1. Look for the big ball of energy, click on it, while you're looking for that avoid Master of the maze and second in command. They will reset your progress, With the right resolve the trash doesn't hurt much while your running through, The smaller balls near as I can tell mark where you have been in the maze (The large ball gives buff allowing mobs to take damage. Kill first named Gazu, the slow roamer (Can only be killed with sphere buff)
  2. Progress through find another large sphere get buffed and look for second in command avoiding Master of the Maze yet again. Use Stifle Rune.
  3. Find sphere, get buff. Attack Master of the maze, He will need a heroic opportunity done (Pay attention to text)

Walkthrough (more details) (copy from Solo)[]

  1. pick up the small balls to increase the duration of the "big ball" by 1 second
  2. Pick up a big ball at ( 467, -11, 292 ) Copy or at ( 396, -11, 291 ) Copy
    • the big balls effect stack, but they only respawn when the time of each runned out
  3. Nameds have to die in the following order (They are not aggro)
    • Note: You can only damage trash or nameds while under the effect of a big ball
    1. Gazu'Taz the Gradual
    2. Soku'Aos the Sturdy
      • cannot be damanged while Gazu'Taz the Gradual is alive
    3. Abin'Ebi the Awkward
      • cannot be damanged while Gazu'Taz the Gradual and Soku'Aos the Sturdy are alive
      • Use your heroic opportunity or he will dispell the big ball effect from you