What does this information mean?
- On Auric Palisades enter Vaashkaani: Argent Sanctuary [Solo].
- Clear the first room of all metalbound behemoths
- Unwell wishers at ( -38, 3, 52 ) Copy/waypoint -37.82, 2.96, 52.10 and ( -16, 3, -53 ) Copy/waypoint -16.06, 2.96, -52.55.
- You could use a dispel [Save]
- You look tasty [Attack]
- Kill Tazir Tanziri roams around ( 111, 3, 3 ) Copy/waypoint 111.31, 3.47, 2.69
- Tazir Tanziri becomes invulnerable at 50% until shards are attacked.
- Silver shards give him 25% damage taken reduction each.
a silver shard
Shards to be destroyed form in the long corridor behind Tazir Tanziri
- Kill Sansobog first, then Akharys, use Stun immunity rune for this fight
- Unwell wishers at ( 225, 3, -64 ) Copy/waypoint 225.13, 3.43, -63.83 and ( 275, 3, 62 ) Copy/waypoint 274.76, 3.43, 61.51 . Save or Attack.
- There are two chromaclouds floating overhead in the room. Killing them before the named can prevent unnecessary dirt naps.
- Kill Uah'Lu the Unhallowed
- Click the portal to the Aviary ( 297, 4, 0 ) Copy/waypoint 296.69, 3.65, 0.33
- Kill Xuxuquaxul ( 90, 11, -182 ) Copy/waypoint 89.74, 11.43, -182.00
- Hail and kill General Ra'Zaal ( 96, 8, -312 ) Copy/waypoint 96.42, 7.94, -311.63
- Casts AOE Stun
- Summons adds that provide stacks. Sixth stack causes insta-kill
- Use your heroic opportunities on the adds or they can't be killed
- Click the portal ( 105, 8, -320 ) Copy/waypoint 105.13, 7.94, -319.53 to return to Zimara Breadth.