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For a complete listing of articles relating to this Live Update, see Category:LU66
Scars of the Awakened
Update 66
Date 20130430
Daybreak's GU66 Patch Notes


Ever vigilant, Norrathians march united under the banner of the New Combine army, deeper into the perilous continent of Velious.

Finally, the army breaches the borders of a region known as Cobalt Scar - a majestic, lush, but tormented region. And from within dark passages in the surrounding mountains, the inhabitants of Sirens Grotto beckon to all.

The first news heard from Cobalt Scar concerns tribes of Othmir that succumbed to an unfortunate fate that now threatens everyone. Further examination into the area will reveal a foreboding presence of the Awakened Legion, a force of evil that decimated dragonkind in the legendary city ofSkyshrine.

Nearby, in the watery depths of Sirens Grotto - unseen by landwalkers for the ages – it is said that the caverns hold secrets of their own. And the beguiling siren coven known as the Darkwater Sisters will not give up those secrets easily.

All the while, the Ages End Prophecy looms with its promise to see Kerafyrm - Norrath's most evil, powerful dragon - bring a violent end to the world. Heroes from every corner of Norrath are called to explore this new land in Velious and fight for a future for all.


  • New overland zone, Cobalt Scar: Includes a new story quest line and new collections
  • New dungeon, Siren’s Grotto: Includes Solo, Group, and Raid challenges
  • New Tradeskill quest line
  • New Tradeskill Apprentice daily tasks
  • Class updates based on feedback
  • PvP reward updates

To reach Cobalt Scar, hail either the Combine griffin tamer located on the docks in Great Divide or the tamer near the entrance of The Withered Lands!


  • Pitch, Roll, and Heading options have all been added to the house decorator mode wheel.
  • When inside one of your houses, a housing bar will now appear which you can click on to easily bring up your /house window, enter / exit house decorator mode, or leave your house.



  • Individual coin drops have been added to encounters in many zones including those in Destiny of Velious, Skyshrine and Chains of Eternity. When an encounter drops coin, the amount of coin will be calculated based on how many players participated in the fight, up to the maximum for that encounter which is calculated based off of the number of intended players. Looted coin rules remain unchanged. If your group is set to split coin you will still split coin evenly among all group or raid members, and if your group is set to master looter all coin will be collected by the master looter.

Scale Yard: Scalebreak[]

  • You can now revive properly in this instance.


  • The class restrictions on what armor is purchasable from Assilus Poisonbolt have been eased up.


Temple of the Faceless [Heroic][]

  • When defeating Venekor in challenge mode you should now receive the Sense of Urgency and Flawless achievements.


  • Generals Aakita, Utehk, and Zevitus in Tallon's Stronghold should now award a guild medal in both normal and challenge modes.
  • Hand of Vallon should now award both normal and challenge mode Guild medals.
  • Ancient Sentinel should now award both normal and challenge mode Guild medals.


  • The Guild Chronomage now costs less upkeep.
  • The Guild Prophet now costs less upkeep.


  • Help the New Combine sort out their logistic woes by talking to Acting Supplymaster Grant in the Supply Camp.
  • Tradeskill Apprentices are hard at work preparing new recipes from materials discovered in the new Velious zones. Assist your apprentices in their daily toils to begin creating the required materials.
  • Tailors can now make t10 throwing pouches and scout cloaks.
  • Ice Comet II now requires t8 components to craft instead of t7.
  • Matoppie & Banyan Hex Doll recipes now use Matoppie Roots as build components instead of Thick Bear Pelts.
  • Level 91-95 Essential and Advanced recipe books can now be purchased without completing any prerequisite quests.
  • Any recipe that requires more than one a primary component will now accurately display its required amount in any tooltip or examine window.
  • Tailor: 46 slot bags can now be crafted! The recipe has been retroactively added to the level 95 tailoring essentials recipe book.
  • Epaulets of the Draconic Oracle now require Banyan Root instead of Metallic Repltile Hide.



  • Spells that reflect a portion of damage should no longer be able to heal the enemy.
  • Summon Pet spells can now be cast while moving.
  • Incremental Death Blow abilities no longer drop when someone leaves the group or when a pet dies.
  • Weapon Skills and Spell Skills now increase minimum damage up to a cap of 40% at 5475 skill.
  • Taunt and Detaunt values are now modified by your primary attribute.
  • Prestige Enhancements that trigger reuse clears via Area Effect abilities can no longer trigger more than once per cast.
  • Until Cancelled death prevention abilities can no longer gain extra triggers from Time Warp.
  • Summoned pets can no longer trigger damage procs that apply to the group or raid that trigger from hostile actions.
  • Dumbfire pets now get the same stat sharing as primary pets.
  • Dumbfire pets now have extremely high accuracy.
  • Dumbfire pets cast by a player are now immune to indirect area effect abilities.
  • Dumbfire pets that are not cast on a friendly player now spawn behind their target, so they no longer run over to their target.
  • Dumbfire pets have less resistability on their spells.
  • Profession dumbfire pets can no longer be dispelled.
  • Catalogue Creature and Collect Field Reports are now no-modify.


  • Pressure Point can now trigger procs.


  • Wild Beatings now acts as a Combat Art instead of a spell.
  • Rock Skin now reduces Weapon Damage Bonus by 50 and snares the bruiser by 50% at master instead of dazing and rooting.
  • Unbreakable's ward now regenerates half the ward every 3 seconds rather than 20% of the ward every 6 seconds.
  • Stone Deaf now has a minimum damage threshold of 30% on its stoneskin triggers.
  • Martial Leap can now be cast on fighters, however the intercede does not apply.


  • Combination no longer will fail if two of the same type of attack is used during the chain
  • Mend now has a 15 meter range.


  • Crusader abilities can now be cast while moving.


  • Holy Avenger now lasts for 10 seconds and deals substantially more damage. He heals up to 3 targets for each enemy it hits with its AE attack. The heal is 10% of that player's life, and does not crit or get potency.
  • Castigate now has a 0.5 second cast time.


  • Grim Reaper is now Reaper's Touch, a replacement for Harm Touch. It hits up to 8 targets within 10 meters of the primary target and for 36 seconds following the attack, certain area effect abilities will cast instantly.
  • Reaper's Mist now increments up to 8. Reaping will now also increase the group's potency for a short duration when it triggers.
  • Life Reap now also increases the potency granted by Reaping.
  • The third point spent in Chaotic Barrier now also grants a threat position to Chaotic Blade.
  • Bloodletter will not trigger if a priest has a death prevention up on the shadowknight.


  • Perfect Counterattack can no longer be resisted.


  • Lost Adrenaline now drains 1.5% power instantly and per tick. Shot of Adrenaline now reduces the power drain of Lost Adrenaline by 0.1% per rank, down to 1% at Rank 5.
  • Empowering Rage now modifies Open Wounds. While active, Open Wounds will allow Saga of Bloodshed, Utter Destruction, Bloodbath, Berserker Onslaught and Partisan Cleave to cast instantly. Additionally, the group's weapon damage bonus will be increased by 25.


  • Taunting Assault now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Sentinel is now a small chance to trigger a stoneskin on the target when taking physical damage. The stoneskin only absorbs physical damage and lasts for ten seconds.
  • Avenging Strikes now replaces the original attack on the modified ability rather than adding a second attack. The damage of that ability will be increased, and will inflict 250% damage when the guardian is not tanking.


  • Cure Arcane is now Cure Magic and cures all types of impairments.


  • Manasoul's regeneration no longer degrades as the enchanter's health drops.
  • Mana Flow now restores 40% power. It can no longer crit.


  • Charm no longer costs concentration.
  • Possess Essence no longer costs concentration and no longer has a range restriction on what the coercer can possess.
  • Mind's Eye now lasts until cancelled and persists through death.
  • Possess Essence now copies the coercer if there is no target or the target is invalid. It now has a 5 second cast time.
  • Siren's Gift now increases the maximum health of the coercer's Possess Essence by 25% instead of removing the concentration cost.
  • Puppetmaster dumbfires now have more health, last for 8 seconds and summon at 0.5 seconds cast time. They deal substantially more damage.
  • Asylum and Brainshock have had their damage doubled.


  • Personae Reflection no longer costs concentration and will no longer drop while zoning.
  • Illuminate now applies as a modification to Flash of Brilliance.
  • Mirage Mastery now increases the maximum health of the illusionist's Personae Reflection by 25% instead of removing the concentration cost.
  • Personae Mastery now increases the maximum health of the illusionist's Personae Reflection VII by 25% instead of removing the concentration cost.
  • Destructive Rampage is now passively applied when casting Peace of Mind.
  • Time Rampage now has a chance to reset Time Warp when Peace of Mind is cast.
  • Personae Reflection's damage has been tripled.
  • Illusory Allies now spawn with full health.
  • Doppelganger now functions the same way as Ancestral Sentry and has a 1 second base cast time.
  • Prismatic Chaos now triggers from ranged or melee attacks.
  • Enhance: Cure Arcane is now Enhance: Cure Magic and it removes the cast speed of Cure Magic.


  • Enhance: Thunderclap now applies the additional damage if the target is within 25 and 15 meters of the sorcerer.
  • Concussive Blast can now trigger procs.
  • Ro's Blade and Grasp of Bertoxxulous can now both trigger when applied to the same target.


  • Grasp of Bertoxxulous can now trigger on ranged attacks.
  • Vacuum Field now lasts 36 seconds.
  • Toxic Aura now lasts 120 seconds.
  • Toxic Assault and Caustic Detonation now require 36 increments of Toxic Aura to cast. They now gain additional damage for every 36 increments. Their damage values have been increased by 5%.
  • Dark Incubation can no longer trigger from Dark Aggravation and cause a false positive.
  • Acid Storm now lasts for 8 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Dark Broodlings now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Netherlord now casts an area effect spell on targets near the enemy he is summoned to fight. He casts it progressively faster the longer he remains summoned.
  • Focused Casting no longer roots the warlock.
  • Enhance: Dark Infestation now increases the duration of the broodlings by 0.6 seconds per rank.


  • Ro's Blade now can trigger on ranged attacks.
  • Aurora now roots the wizard instead of mesmerizes them.
  • Fusion now has a 90 degree arc and a 10 meter radius.
  • Spell Reach now also increases spell radius by 25%.
  • Frozen Solid now lasts 120 seconds and maxes at 150 increments.
  • Frozen Rain and Frozen Detonation now require 30 increments of Frozen Solid to cast. They now gain additional damage for every 30 increments.
  • Iced Anger is now 0.18% threat reduction per rank per increment.
  • Velium Chill now applies its effects at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 increments of Frozen Solid. Instead of modifying Hail Storm, it modifies E'Ci's Frozen Blast.
  • Incineration now increments to a maximum of 3 stacks and triggers at 33%, 66% and 100% chances by rank. The damage has been increased to match the lower max increments. It can no longer be cured. It now lasts for 28 seconds.
  • Fire Chains now applies at 3 increments of Incineration.
  • Mystical Heat now applies at 3 increments of Incineration.
  • Mystical Heat now restores 1.5% power per tick per rank. It can no longer crit.
  • Hellfire now applies three hits that deal more damage. It now has a 30 second reuse. If it hits a target with three increments of Incineration, the wizard will gain maxed ability mod for their next attack.
  • Furnace of Row now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Protoflame now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage and can trigger Incineration.


  • Cabalistic Conservation now persists through death.
  • Reanimate now cures the summoner's pet when it triggers.
  • Dimensional Storage now persists through death.
  • Shrink Servant, Symbiosis and Minion's Intent now apply to the summoner and persist through death. They apply their effects to the summoner's pet automatically.
  • Unflinching Servant now has a 2 second cast time.
  • Dimensional Storage now requires a pet active to cast.


  • Najena's Essence Summoning now uses 40% power instead of 80%.
  • Master's Intervention now cures the conjuror's pet when it triggers.
  • Conjuror's Pact, Defensive Haven and Antagnonize all now apply to the conjuror and persist through death. They apply their effects to the conjuror's pet automatically.
  • Bubble is now passive.
  • Soulburn can now be cast while Plane Shift is active.
  • Winds of Velious now interrupts the target.
  • Defensive Haven no longer reduces the pet's intelligence.
  • Antagonize increases potency of the pet by a small amount instead of intelligence.
  • Communion pets should no longer drop Fire From Within. It now summons three unique minions that do extremely high damage for 8 seconds.
  • Aqueous Swarm now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Roaring Flames now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage. Its spell is now a blue AE that can hit up to 8 targets within 10 meters of the enemy it's summoned to fight.
  • Cure Elemental is now Enhance: Cure Magic and it removes the cast speed of Cure Magic


  • Miragul's Dark Heart Summoning now uses 40% power instead of 80%.
  • Dooming Darkness III now scales with the necromancer's level.
  • Dooming Darkness now interrupts the target and applies the snare seperately from the damage and interrupt.
  • Siphoning of Souls now grants three charges of the spell it draws. All versions of Siphoning of Souls grant the same soul spells and they scale with the necromancer's level.
  • Grisly Protection, Howl of the Damned, Rending and Necromantic Pact all now apply to the necromancer and persist through death. They apply their effects to the necromancer's pet automatically.
  • Focus: Rending is now Focus: Minion's Health and passively increases the necromancer's pet's health by 10%.
  • Grisly Protection no longer reduces the pet's intelligence.
  • Lich now restores 6.4% power per tick at master. It can no longer crit.
  • Vampirism now lasts for 10 seconds. The heal and damage have been substantially increased. It heals up to 3 targets for each enemy it hits with its siphon.
  • Awaken Grave now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage. Its spell is now a blue AE that can hit up to 8 targets within 10 meters of the enemy it's summoned to fight.
  • Blighted Horde now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Servile Soul now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Undead Horde no longer requires corpses and now lasts for 12 seconds while dealing substantially more damage.
  • Noxious Cleansing is now Instantaneous Cure and removes the cast time and lowers the reuse time of Cure Magic.


  • Priest class detaunts now also have a threat position reduction and have a 10 meter radius.


  • Odyssey now costs substantially less power to use.
  • Potent Protector now grants the cleric additional potency based on their potency.
  • Holy Reinforcement now increases Holy Shield's duration by 4.2% per rank instead of 1.25s per rank.


  • Damage Mastery now grants the inquisitor additional crit bonus from damage per second.
  • Inquisition now radiates from the inquisitor and uses the inquisitor's stats. The duration is now 15 seconds and it only has two distances that it checks. It can now be cast while moving. It now only heals the inquisitor's group.
  • Pure Fanaticism now properly applies its increased damage to the group.
  • Repentance will now trigger at the same time when cast by two inquisitors.
  • Heresy will now trigger at the same time when cast by two inquisitors.


  • Smite Wrath no longer disables when casting beneficial spells and now applies to all spells instead of just a few.
  • Critical Invoker now grants the templar additional crit bonus from their crit bonus.
  • Sanctuary II is now granted at level 95. This version does not dispel when taking damage or receiving hostile actions.
  • Divinity's Punishment now properly gets modified by potency.
  • Divine Mana is now 1% power to the group per rank.
  • Reverence is now an until cancelled buff with no cast or reuse time.
  • Rebuke now interrupts the target.
  • Unanswering Hammer deals significantly more damage and has had its Weapon Skills increased significantly.
  • Ressurect now has a 10 meter range.
  • Divinity's Aid will now improve the value of Repent on the target in addition to increasing healing received.
  • Enhance: Sanctuary now increases duration by 6.7% per rank instead of a flat 2s per rank.


  • Rebirth is now an ability the caster uses while they are dead to revive themselves instead of an auto-resurrection.
  • Potent Restorer now grants the druid additional potency from their potency.
  • Tunare's Protection no longer critically applies or gets potency.


  • Force of Nature should no longer generate threat when Aura of Defense or Protective Aura is enabled.
  • Animal Form now triggers power restoration from any attack, instead of just melee attacks.
  • Critical Mastery now grants the fury additional crit bonus from their crit bonus.
  • Stormbearer's Fury now has a 45 second reuse at rank 3 and the damage has been increased to compensate.
  • Repeated Lightning's damage has been increased to compensate for Stormbearer's Fury's new reuse time.
  • Stormbarrier now has a 60 second duration and will also increase the fury's potency by 5% per rank.
  • Control the Storm now reduces incoming damage to the non-fighter members of the fury's group for a short duration following the use of Stormbearer's Fury.
  • Stormlord now reduces the cast time of Starnova while Energy Vortex is active. While active, Energy Vortex also removes the power cost of Starnova, and casting it will restore power to the fury per target hit.
  • Feast now also reduces the power cost of the group's spells.
  • Ring of Fire now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Ball Lightning now deals substantially more damage.
  • Fae Fires now has a 90 second base reuse time and inflicts 4.5 times the damage.
  • Rank 4 and 5 of Enhance: Fae Fires will each give a trigger to Fae Fires.


  • Regenerating Spores should no longer generate threat.
  • Haste Mastery now grants the warden additional crit bonus from their attack speed.
  • Undergrowth now interrupts the target encounter.
  • Nature's Pack now lasts for 6 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Faerie Ally now lasts for 36 seconds at master and has a 180 second reuse. It no longer toggles off.
  • Healing Grove now has a 10 meter radius and lasts for 30 seconds. It now restores a small amount of power and ticks every 2 seconds.


  • Summon Spirit Companion now has substantially more health.
  • Potent Medium now grants the shaman additional potency from their potency.
  • Shrink Servant now applies to the shaman and persists through death. It applies its effects to the companion automatically.
  • Spirit companion now attacks substantially faster.


  • Soul Cannibalize now has a 1 second cast time.
  • Curseweaving now makes the defiler immune to interrupts for a short duration following the use of a curse spell.
  • Critical Channeling now grants the defiler additional crit bonus from their crit bonus.
  • Absolute Corruption now interrupts the target encounter and has a 2 second base cast time.
  • Cannibalize now restores 25% power. It can no longer crit.
  • Spiritual Circle now lasts for 12 seconds and applies the ward three times.
  • Soulward now gets potency and lasts for 8 seconds.
  • Focus: Harbinger now scales with the level of Harbinger.


  • Multi-Attack Mastery now grants the mystic Crit Bonus from their Multi Attack Chance.
  • Echoes of the Ancient now interrupts the target encounter.
  • Lunar Attendant now lasts for 12 seconds and heals more.
  • Weapon Mastery now grants all weapon skills to the mystic's companion.
  • Ancestral Sentry now has a 1 second base cast time.


  • All attacks that were only usable from behind the target can now be used from flanking as well.
  • Cerebral Ebb now also reduces ability modifier.
  • Sinister Strike now has a 10 meter range.


  • Beastlords can no longer use specific specialty poisons.
  • Northwind Barrier now casts instantly and can be used while casting other abilities.
  • Adrenal Flow now properly enables when killing a target with a combat art and doesn't prevent the gain of savagery. It now displays that it cancels when the beastlord uses an ability or attacks.
  • Savage Howl is now a point blank area effect damage combat art with a positional detaunt component. The second rank increases the positional detaunt. The damage is about double Rank 4 of U'lla's Spinning Bite.
  • Sharpened Claws now interrupts the target.
  • Shrink Warder now applies to the beastlord and persists through death. It applies its effects to the warder automatically.
  • Warders have had their Weapon Skills increased significantly.
  • Warders now have a 2 second reuse time.


  • Disheartening Descant now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Zander's Choral Rebuff now has a 0.5 second cast time.


  • Echoing Power now lasts for two minutes.
  • Gravitas no longer has an immunity timer.
  • Enhance: Elegy at Death's Door now also improves the range of Elegy at Death's Door by 1 meter per rank.
  • Clara's Chaotic Cacophony now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Daro's Sorrowful Dirge now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Confront Fear being active on a target will prevent the druid delayed resurrection sickness. Confront Fear now lasts for 75 seconds.
  • Jael's Dreadful Deprivation no longer breaks on damage.
  • Lanet's Excrutiating Scream now applies its damage instantly.


  • Uplifting Uproar now lasts for two minutes.
  • Demoralizing Processional now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Sonic Interference now has a 0.5 second cast time.
  • Enhance: Lullaby now increases the duration of Lullaby by 2.8% per rank instead of 1s per rank.
  • Enhance: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet now increases the duration of Bria's Entrancing Sonnet by 2.8% per rank instead of 1s per rank.


  • Ranged Combat Arts can now be cast while moving.
  • Spinning Spear now has a 10 meter radius.
  • Hilt Strike now has a 10 meter range and interrupts the target.
  • Bladed Opening now has a 10 meter range.
  • Point Blank Shot now has a 10 meter range.
  • Placating Strike now has a 10 meter range.
  • Poison Combination now has a 10 meter range.


  • Massacre is now a point blank area effect ability instead of a frontal cone.
  • Nightblade now uses less power.
  • Assassinate now has a 5 minute base reuse.


  • Rangers no longer have a minimum range on bows and combat arts.
  • Arrow Rip now has a 10 meter range.
  • Emberstrike now has a 10 meter range.
  • Lightning Strike now has a 10 meter range.
  • Double Arrow now enhances Searing Shot to reduce maximum health of the target by 5% for 30 seconds.
  • Sniper Shot now has a 5 minute base reuse.
  • Hawk Attack now siphons 25% threat instead of 15%.
  • Enhance: Immobilizing Lunge now increases Immobilizing Lunge's duration by 12.5% per rank.


  • Shadow Slip now has a 0.1 second duration like predator Stalk.


  • Strongarm now hits harder than Shenanigans VII (Master).
  • Boot Dagger can now trigger Thug's Poison.
  • Havoc's Treachery now properly applies its debuff enhancements to the brigand's mitigation debuffs.
  • Exacting Venom now deals its damage over 1.5 seconds instead of 9 and should no longer apply to friendly targets.
  • Band of Thugs now lasts for 10 seconds and deals substantially more damage.
  • Double Up is now a self buff that lasts for 6 seconds. It instantly re-applies any offensive Combat Arts used while it is active.


  • Storm of Steel is now an area effect ranged combat art. It has a 60 second reuse, a 2 second casting time and inflicts damage similar to Dashing Swathe.
  • Pirate's Fancy now affects Storm of Steel.
  • Enhance: Storm of Steel is now 3% damage increase per rank.



  • Snare now has a 2% chance to break from hostile action taken in PVP combat or damage taken in PVP combat, down from 5%.
  • All PVP taunt and detaunt effects have been reduced in duration by 1/6th of their previous duration.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been increased.
  • Inner Focus' Damage threshold has been reduced to 15% in PVP combat.
  • Brawler's Tenacity heal per trigger in PVP combat has been increased to 40% max health, up from 31.5%.


  • Martial Leap now makes all non-fighter allies close to the target invalid targets for enemy attacks for 0.5 seconds.
  • Drag is now uncurable in PVP combat and updates more often.
  • Devastation Fist's base damage has been doubled in PVP combat.
  • Ignore Pain's base heal has been significantly increased in PVP combat.
  • The damage threshold for Stone Deaf to trigger in PVP combat has been reduced to 10%.
  • Knockout Combination once again has a chance to stun in PVP combat. The success chance has been reduced to 15%.
  • Knockout Combination's base damage has been increased by 50%.
  • Vicious Combination can now stun in PVP combat. The success chance is 15%.
  • Vicious Combination's starting base damage has been increased in PVP combat.


  • Serene Energy's Ward has been reduced in PVP combat.
  • Dragonfire now lasts for 5 seconds in PVP combat, down from 8.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been increased.
  • Prayer of Healing now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Holy Aid now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Devout Sacrament now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Zealous Power now restores .5% power per tick in PVP combat.
  • Faith's Retaliation damage has been reduced by 50% in PVP combat.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been increased.
  • Reaver now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Tap Veins now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Devour Vitae now heals for less in PVP combat.
  • Unholy Mana can now only trigger once every 3 minutes in PVP combat.


  • Unyielding Will will now heal for 100% in PVP combat when triggered, up from 50%.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.


  • Focus: Assault now properly force taunts up to 6 targets around the Guardian in PVP combat.
  • Champion's Interception is now limited to 25 triggers per group member in PVP combat.
  • Guardian Sphere's group member stoneskin now has a 50% success chance in PVP combat.
  • Sentinel now has a 50% success chance in PVP combat.


  • Overall combat art damage in PVP combat has been increased.


  • Overall spell damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.


  • Mind Jolt's damage has been reduced by 25% in PVP combat.
  • Mind Over Matter's heal has been reduced by 20% in PVP combat.
  • Manaward's Duration has been reduced to 8s in PVP combat.
  • Reek of Terror now lasts for 2 seconds if cast in PVP combat. The chance to break upon receiving damage has been removed.


  • Overall spell damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.
  • Manashield's duration in PVP combat has been reduced to 8s.
  • Manashield will drop after 5 seconds of absorption if precast in PVP combat.


  • Rift's stun now lasts for .5s in PVP combat, down from 2s.


  • Overall spell damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.


  • Winds of Velious' snare now applies immediately in PVP combat.
  • Planar Burst once again functions in PVP combat.


  • Wondrous Distraction now follows PVP duration rules in PVP combat.
  • Equilibrium now has 3 triggers max in PVP combat.
  • Immaculate Revival now applies the negative Toughness and Lethality elements of revive sickness. This lasts for 2 minutes.
  • Holy Shield's base duration has been reduced to 15s in PVP combat.


  • Sanctuary's base duration in PVP combat is now 10 seconds. Sanctuary II’s base duration in PVP combat is now 12 seconds.
  • Repent's base ward amount has been reduced by 10% in PVP combat.
  • Shield of Faith's base ward amount has been reduced by 15% and regeneration amount by 33% in PVP combat.


  • In PVP combat, Totemic Protection now heals the group for 12.5% of the damage the target receives before mitigation and wards.


  • Ancient Shroud now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Carrion Warding now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Deathward now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Death Cries now wards for less in PVP combat.


  • Ancestral Ward now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Oberon now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Umbral Warding now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.
  • Umbral Barrier now wards for slightly less in PVP combat.


  • Evade's duration in PVP combat has been reduced.
  • Stupefying Poison now stuns for 1s in PVP combat.
  • Fettering Poison now snares for 2s in PVP combat.


  • Victorious Concerto damage cannot exceed 10% of a players maximum HP (before resists) in PVP combat.


  • Overall combat art damage in PVP combat has been increased.
  • Echoing Howl's base and triggered damage have been reduced by 25% in PVP combat.
  • Resonation's base damage in PVP combat has been reduced by 25%.
  • Resonation's base heal in PVP combat has been improved by 25%.
  • Exuberant Encore now grants 100 toughness per rank if cast in PVP combat. An additional 300 toughness per rank will be granted if the health trigger threshold is crossed.
  • Oration of Sacrifice now heals for significantly more in PVP combat.
  • Thuri's Doleful Thrust now heals for significantly more in PVP combat.
  • Howl of Death now heals for significantly more in PVP combat.


  • Reverberation's base and trigger damage have been reduced in PVP combat.
  • Ballad of Warding’s reactive cure chance has been reduced to 10% chance in PVP combat.
  • Stunning Lullaby now stuns for .4s per rank in PVP combat, down from .5s.
  • Jester'sRusebase damage has been reduced by 10% in PVP combat.
  • Perfection of the Maestro's base damage has been reduced by 20% in PVP combat.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been slightly reduced.


  • Makeshift Arrow damage has been reduced in PVP combat.
  • Immobilizing Lunge's base root duration has been reduced in PVP combat.
  • Snaring Shot's snare effectiveness and duration has been reduced in PVP combat.
  • Ensnare's base recast time has been increased from 20s to 30s when cast in PVP.


  • Overall ability damage in PVP combat has been increased.
  • Entangle now has a 2% chance to break when damage taken in PVP combat, down from 5%.


  • In PVP Combat, Sleight of Hand will now detaunt the next person that strikes your target within 10 seconds.
  • Devious Blade now has a 100% chance to detaunt in PVP combat, up from 25%.
  • Hamstring now has a 2% chance to break from hostile action taken or damage taken in PVP combat, down from 5%.


  • To Capture a Dream - updated the quest update icons.
  • If I Had A Hammer - Minimap locations have been updated.
  • On Shades of Drinal: Skies of Red, the step that asks you to enter the Throne of Fear and seek out the Fear Gate should update more reliably now.
  • On The Shadow Odyssey, Chapter 5: Breaking the chains, the Staff of Theer is now Treasured, and may be used by all members.
  • On Is It Good News? the NPC Hroar should no longer occasionally spawn beneath the tower.
  • The quest "Not Him Again" is now able to be repeated when reentering the zone.
  • The quest "Mirror, Mirror" is now able to be repeated when reentering the zone.
  • A Crusade to Faydwer - Collecting rhyms is now very reliable.
  • Pay Dearly For Their Crime - You can speak to Overseer Vrek to repeat this quest.
  • The Word of Fear, The Call of Fear, The Path of Fear - The quest journal now properly identifies the zone as the losttempleofCabilis.
  • Elements of a Ritual – The Drawing Ray is now removed upon completion of this quest.
  • A Strange Mix – The icon for Geldrani’s Vile now appears in the quest helper window.
  • Blip Marrsquire, in Eidolon Jungle, will now acknowledge players who have helped him.
  • Daliva Selumas, in Eidolon, will now acknowledge players who have helped her.
  • On All Sides: Corrected a typo in Gladithae Sioniel’s dialogue.
  • Worldly Possessions: Corrected a typo in Daliva Selumas’ dialogue.
  • Reverence for Unlife now has more accurate quest helpers.
  • Skills of the Char`Gin now has more accurate quest helpers.
  • Loosening Their Grip - The spears for this quest should be easier to see from a distance.
  • The Root of Rage - The map POI for "The Embrace of Luclin" has been corrected.
  • On Fulgation Sightings, Watchman Fleep will now offer you a new !Fluffy if you destroy yours during the quest.
  • On Get Them Steamed, Plinka Fiddle will now offer you a new geobot if you destroy yours during the quest.
  • All Withered Lands tradeskill quest recipes will now be automatically scribed into your recipe book.
  • A Rat's a Rat's a Rat – You can only capture one rat for the Sir Gnawser Chow disguise. If you delete the disguise while on this quest, you can then capture another rat for a new disguise.
  • Undoing the Damage – You can now endear yourself to ogre Brokenskull wenches while in the Sir Gnawser Chow disguise
  • Arcane Repercussions Unknown, Gehein Some, Lose Some, Soiled Soil - Many instances of teleportation are now spelled correctly.
  • Taming of the Tuatara - Many instances of bridle are now spelled correctly.
  • Book: The Loss in Western Wastes - Kael Drakkel is now spelled correctly.
  • Come and Get It! - now gives better feedback when the traps are filled.
  • Increased the success chance of getting the harvested pyrorock dust for the Mystic epic quest.
  • All Withered Lands tradeskill quest recipes will now be automatically scribed into your recipe book.



  • Many high end Mage/Priest/Fighter wrist slot accessories that were erroneously flagged useable by Scouts are no longer useable by scouts. These have been unattuned and unadorned.
  • Added three merchants to exchange gear that had scouts removed from their allowable classes. These merchants will buy your restricted gear for an exchange currency which can then be used to purchase your choice of replacement items:
    • Faelish - Fortress of Drunder
    • Ka'Lendor - Skyshrine: The City of Dracur
    • Jesup Ness - Obol Plains: Cardin Ward
  • Beastlords can now use most items that are equippable by other scouts.
  • Praetor's Imperial Drape now has an appearance.
  • TSO Merchants: The class restrictions on what armor is purchasable from Assilus Poisonbolt have been eased up.
  • TSO raid armor merchants now sell their goods to a wider range of classes.
  • Rhenium & Tungsten claws are now beastlord usable.
  • Bottled Intellect and Intellectual Regeneration now restore 60% power. They can no longer crit.
  • Unreliable Gnomish Pacemakers now restore 40% health and power. The heal and power can no longer crit or be modified.
  • "Reliable" Gnomish Pacemakers now restore 80% health and power. The heal and power can no longer crit or be modified.
  • Overclocked Gnomish Pacemakers now restore 100% health and power. The heal and power can no longer crit or be modified.
  • Cry of the Battlepriest proc now works.
  • Fallen Gate: Many trash drop items in Fallen Gate have been upgraded.
  • “Bootstrutter's Field Guide to the Misty Thicket,” rewarded from the quest, “Mapping the Vale,” can now be placed in your house and read.
  • Sleeper’s Tomb: Arbiter Hardmode Charms: Fixed a bug that was causing Temporal Magnate to get stats improperly. The trigger chance and base values have been increased.
  • The passive effect "Eternal Damnation" no longer stacks Crit Bonus.
  • Nocturnal Aggression and Nox Incessit can no longer apply multiple times from the same caster.
  • The damage of Elemental Eruption and Elemental Detonation can now only trigger once.
  • The Mana Recovery Procs "Soul Reap" and "Darkened Hues" can no longer crit.
  • Praetor's Imperial Drape now has an appearance.
  • Skyshrine Tradeskill Apprentice totems now have a particle effect when activated.

PvP General[]

  • Chaos Bringer PVP gear is now available for purchase in Champion's Respite!
  • Havoc Marks now stack to 20,000 outside of the currency window.
  • Gnomish Net Launcher's root now follows PVP duration rules in PVP combat.
  • Mis-calibrated Manastones now restore 30% power and 15% power in PVP. They can no longer crit.
  • Calibrated Manastones now restore 35% power and 17.5% power in PVP. They can no longer crit.
  • Overclocked Manastones now restore 40% power and 20% power in PVP. They can no longer crit.
  • Karnor's Ebony Bangle and Choking Voice Headgear no longer proc in PVP combat.
  • Several Shard of Hate weapon effects will no longer function in PVP combat.
  • The following procs no longer function in PVP combat:
    • Arcane Fear
    • Ascent of Yael
    • Relentless Will
    • Fragmentation
    • Earth Drink
    • Flux
    • Toxic Tempest
    • Aether Soldier
    • Sacred Territory
    • Runic Absorption
    • Tranquil Backlash
    • Ancient Invigoration
    • Runic Deflection
    • Immaculate Perception
    • Immaterial Barrier
    • Purifying Presence
    • Purifying Persistence
    • Consuming Auras
    • Blood Nourishment
    • Displacement
    • Transposition
    • Dark Squall


  • Outer tower guardian spawn times are now closer to the inner tower guardian spawn times.
  • Tower Guardians now have 95% Damage Reduction and 10% of their former HP.



  • If you get near the enemy’s main spawn area you will now get a debuff called "Divine Sunder". Divine Sunder does increasing percentage health damage over time.

Battlefield of Ganak[]

  • You must now be slightly closer to the flag to pick it up.
  • If you bring the enemy flag near your spawn area it will reset.


  • Marketplace purchased house and house pet items will now stack to 900.