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University of Andelfoof Ring

University of Andelfoof Ring

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University of Andelfoof Ring
An ancient ring of gnomish design, bearing the sigil of a mysterious school of study known as the University of Andelfoof, from the long-lost city of Klick'Anon.
Item 3435
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot 
477 Primary Attributes 817 Stamina
38,340  Resistances 99 Combat Skills
42.1% Haste
9.3% Block Chance
142.2% Crit Bonus
872.5%  Potency
5.7% Casting Speed
Slot Finger
Level 100 (Tier 11)
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Underdepths Saga: Chaos and Malice" in Maldura.

\aITEM -1588048420 -240755949:University of Andelfoof Ring\/a \aITEM -1588048420 -240755949:University of Andelfoof Ring\/a
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