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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Duality's Vigilant Sanctum more
How to Start Go to The Hole and speak to The Duality within The Duality's Vigilant Sanctum [What Lies Beneath] ( 525, 130, -85 ) Copy
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
What Lies Beneath
Followed by:
Subtunarian Subterfuge

What does this information mean?

Note: The starting zone for this quest is a special instance of The Duality (The Duality's Vigilant Sanctum). You want to select the one with [What Lies Beneath] next to it.

Tuft of Fur

Tuft of Fur


  1. Find an old map of Tunaria ( 537, 123, -66 ) Copy (in the Sanctum) and bring it to The Duality.
  2. Go out from the Sanctum and find a sample of roekillik fur in the Roekillik caves (Entrance at ( 1484, -116, 3062 ) Copy look for the sparkling crystal just inside the entrance) in the Sundered Frontier1405, -129, 3078 ) Copy.
  3. Return with the fur to The Duality to receive the recipe, Roekillik illusion spell to craft the Roekillik Illusion.
    • There is an engraved desk in the Sanctum ( 525, 130, -59 ) Copy.
  4. The Roekillik Elder's private lair

    The Roekillik Elder's private lair

    Enter the roekillik caves in Sundered Frontier and find the private lair at ( 1384, -134, 3051 ) Copy
  5. Once inside the lair, use one of the crafted illusions
  6. Talk to the Roekillik Elder at ( 1102, -295, 3384 ) Copyto complete the quest.

Needed Materials[]


  • At least 1p 53g 9s 13,200 status
  • 11,599 status (at tradeskill level 110)