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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Speak to Queen Amree or Queen Cristanos at ( 469, 95, 51 ) Copy
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
Preceded by:
Underdepths Saga: Eyes of the Ironshadow
Followed by:
Underdepths Saga: Unveiled Dangers

What does this information mean?

Good: Queen Amree (locational spawn near Zintra) is alarmed by the confirmed presence of the Primordial Malice, but even more so by the desperation Queen Alwenielle must feel to allow the creation of something so destructive as the immolated. She hopes that if I can find Queen Alwenielle's sister, we may break through to the dhalgar queen, and provide her something to continue living and fighting for.

Evil: Queen Cristanos of Neriak (locational spawn near Zintra)is interested in your information about the Primal Malice and suspects that they may be seeking the Scroll of T'Val. She is confident that they will fail, however. But she is interested in the possibility of using the techniques that created the Immolated to work for Neriak. To that end, she seeks leverage with Queen Alwenielle and sends you to find Queen Alwenielle's lost sister.


  1. Search the Luminous Peaks for any sign of Lafenielle-542, 208, 287 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  2. Talk to Lamari above in the trees at ( -547, 210, 321 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  3. Speak with Atalya-565, 214, 305 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  4. Travel back to Maldura and speak to Queen Alwenielle in the Palace of Unity376, 86, -0 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  5. Return to Lamari in Zou'Lidelas
  6. Obtain spell components:
    • Kill rancid poxfiends around ( -637, 236, -23 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI to obtain 10 toxin glands.
      • Note: Search high among the leaves.
      • Semi-group update: Chance is individual. One person can get an update, the other may get a 'no updates found' notice for the same kill.
      • one is also forced to fly into this area in order to obtain quest items.
    • Collect 8 glow toad egg cluches.
      Glow toad egg clutch

      glow toad egg clutch {as seen from underwater in river}

      • Note: These look like piles of rocks under the water on the beds of streams. Best place to start looking for them is ( -301, 129, 71 ) Copy
  7. Find Lamari at the southernmost point of Zou'Lidelas-439, 240, 457 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
    • Kill 2 growling thrashclaws. Many kobolds will attack, but you need only two for the update.
    • Note: Ensure all group members on this part of the quest click through before the two kobolds are dead, or they will have to wait ~5 minutes for the kobolds to respawn for their updates.
  8. Speak with Lamari again.

