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Unbound Cloak of the Fervent Regrowth
Item 1101
White Adornment Slot Red Adornment Slot 
3,155 Primary Attributes 5,444 Stamina
255,168 Health 160,356 Power
508 Combat Skills
451.5% Crit Chance
32,863.6%  Potency
27.1% Reuse Speed
435 Resolve
+14.3 Fervor Overcap
Slot Cloak
Level 125 (Tier 13)
Obtain: Reward from the collection quest, Renewal of Ro.

\aITEM 57756404 -1439027382:Unbound Cloak of the Fervent Regrowth\/a \aITEM 57756404 -1439027382:Unbound Cloak of the Fervent Regrowth\/a
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