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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Mission
Mission Group: Tunare Celebration Research Requisitions
Introduced Ballads of Zimara
Journal Level 125 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Lesser Faydark more
How to Start Talk to Herald of the Mother of All154, -23, 3 ) Copy
part of: Year of Darkpaw Timeline
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Followed by:

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The avatar summoning rituals require the manipulation of immense power and are inherently dangerous. To reduce the chance of failure and provide an anchor for that power, the herald of Tunare has asked me to collect an item that may have once belonged to that god or one of their most loyal followers

Collect Reliquaries of Tunare from a powerful creature in Vaashkaani: Every Which Way heroic dungeon.

This does not update in [Solo]. It needs to be Vaashkaani: Every Which Way [Event Heroic I]

