EverQuest 2 Wiki
Male Female
If you can, please take a screenshot of a male character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png Triumphant Armor of the Divide (Druid) (Armor Set) (Visible, Female)
Armor Set: Triumphant Armor of the Divide (Druid)

  • (3) Applies +100 WIS
  • (5) Applies +100 STA
  • (6) Applies 3% Potency, 3% Crit Bonus

This armor may be worn only by: Fury, Warden

This armor is dropped as follows:

Slot Public Quest Difficulty Cache
Head Battle of Storm Gorge Tier 3 (Group), Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid), Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Reverberating Cache, Pulsating Cache, Exquisite Pulsating Cache, Humming Cache or Exquisite Humming Cache
Shoulders Echoes of the Ring War Tier 3 (Group), Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid), Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Reverberating Cache, Pulsating Cache or Humming Cache
Chest Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War Tier 5 (Raid) Ultra Rare A Dominant Chest Piece
Forearms Echoes of the Ring War All tiers Exquisite Thrumming Cache, Exquisite Resonating Cache, Exquisite Reverberating Cache, Pulsating Cache or Humming Cache
Hands Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War All tiers Exquisite Thrumming Cache, Exquisite Resonating Cache, Exquisite Reverberating Cache, Pulsating Cache or Humming Cache
Legs Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache or Exquisite Humming Cache
Feet Battle of Storm Gorge All tiers Exquisite Thrumming Cache, Exquisite Resonating Cache , Exquisite Reverberating Cache, Pulsating Cache or Humming Cache