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EverQuest II Achievement Information
Triumph: Vetrovian Vindicator
Category: Triumphs

Subcategory: Visions of Vetrovia

Find all the points of interest within the Visions of Vetrovia Heroic II Zones

Karuupa Jungle: Heart of Conflict (Heroic II)
Karuupa Jungle: Predator's Perch (Event Heroic II)
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie (Heroic II)
Castle Vacrul: Suite of Screams (Event Heroic II)

Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent (Heroic II)
Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag (Heroic II)
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken (Heroic II)

Suffix Title: , Vetrovian Vindicator
Bloodbound Rune: Force Projection
Bloodbound Rune of Reactionary Strike
Bonus Prestige Point 32

\aACH 2787144515:Triumph: Vetrovian Vindicator\/a \aACH 2787144515:Triumph: Vetrovian Vindicator\/a

Daybreak Games
