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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Deity
Introduced LU38
Journal Level 20 (Tier 3)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Enchanted Lands more
How to Start Speak with Tobel Patadash at the Lost Village of Bobick. ( 2, 4, 37 ) Copy
part of: Deity Timeline
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What does this information mean?


Tobel Patadash claims that he is the true prophet of Bristlebane, The Grand Prankster. He seems pretty miffed that Garby Gingham Gigglegibber is also claiming to be the true "profit" of Bristlebane. In true prankster form, I've agreed to help Tobel prank Garby by giving him a Diabolic Spiced Pumpkin Pie. Tobel advised me to speak with pie maker Roselia Goldencrust on how the pie is made. Roselia has set up shop on the Bobick Village Docks.


Ginger root

ginger root

An antonica pumpkin

an Antonica pumpkin

  1. Speak with Roselia Goldencrust, near the mailbox on the Bobick Village Docks. ( 39, 1, 35 ) Copy
  2. Collect the ingredients for the Diabolic Spiced Pumpkin Pie:
  3. Return to Roselia Goldencrust and give her all the ingredients.
  4. Speak with Roselia Goldencrust again to receive A Diabolical Pumpkin Pie.
  5. Deliver the 'spiced' pie to Garby Gingham Gigglegibber at ( 74, -0, 21 ) Copy.
  6. Tell Tobel Patadash that the prank went off perfectly!

