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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Vigilant: Final Destruction (Sentinel's Fate)
Race [race needed]
Level 97▲▲▲ Tier 10 Epic x2 , (Approx. HP: 18,000,000)
Reported Drops
AA Exp yes
Status Points yes

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The seventh named encounter in The Vigilant: Final Destruction.

At approximately 10% health, Cedon calls forth a number of elementals called Strength of Zek which must be shattered before he can be finished off.

Trajin Cedon begins the encounter with two adds, the adds are linked and can be tanked away from the main named (recommended. The adds detonate once they reach 10% so AOE prevents and distance from them are your friend. Death prevent on the off tank, or an off tank with a damage soak for the detonation are also recommended.
