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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Living Tombs
Introduced Desert of Flames
Journal Level 55 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Living Tombs more
How to Start Inspect 'a Makeshift Grave' at the end of the road just past the oily wall in the Residence Court at ( -318, -11, 520 ) Copy.
part of: Peacock Club Timeline
Preceded by:
Finding My Way
Followed by:
Undead Censership
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Examine a Brethren map in your inventory, received after inspecting the Makeshift Grave (see quest starter above).
  2. Visit the following locations:
    • The top of the Temple of Cul (next to the harp): ( -477, 23, 372 ) Copy
    • The entrance to the aqueduct: ( -354, 11, 353 ) Copy
    • Further into the aqueduct: ( -344, 14, 291 ) Copy
    • Drop down into Priestess' Court, take a right and approach Varin N'Mar: ( -347, -12, 188 ) Copy
  3. Speak to Varin N'Mar.
  4. Speak with Lect'Zadh in Priestess' Court and ask about 'Malkonis D'Morte' and 'the Ancille of D'Morte'.

After speaking to Varin you must inspect the Lect'Un Monolith, then speak to Lect'Zadh to close the quest. He is spawned by placing the following runes in the Lect'Un Monolith at ( -184, -4, 165 ) Copy

  1. The rune of lect
  2. The rune of zoda
  3. The rune of ahk
  4. The rune of duak
  5. The rune of hek
    • If Lect'Zadh happens to despawn while talking to him, wait about 5 minutes, he will respawn with book over his head to finish questioning.

