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EverQuest 2 Spell/Spells Information
Tower of Stone
Spell 508
Heroic Opportunity Icon
Allow the guardian to use a tower shield to absorb all damage they would have otherwise received if the damage was greater than 10% of their total health for up to 4 hits.

Target Self
Power 79
Casting 1.0 second
Recast 2 minutes
Duration 15.0 seconds
Level 58

  • Applies Stoneskin Reaction. Lasts for 1.0 seconds.
    • Reduces all damage done to target by 100%.
    • Triggers when a Stoneskin is consumed. Suspends all other stoneskins that match the damage types of this effect.
  • Will absorb all damage when the amount is greater than 10% of the target's maximum health. This spell will absorb a total of (X) attacks.
This spell has no higher-level versions
Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
(X) 1 1 2 3 4 4

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.
