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EverQuest 2 Spell Information
Touch of Magic
Spell 1097

Target Self
Power 10210
Casting 6.1 seconds
Recast 7 minutes 20.0 seconds
Duration 15.8 seconds
Level 12

  • Increases Ability Doublecast Chance of caster by 7.2%
  • Increases Fervor of caster by 13.5
This spell has no higher-level versions

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
Ability Doublecast Chance + x% 7.2 8.8 9.6 12.3 12.8 13.4 16.2
Fervor + x 13.5 16.5 18 23.1 24 25.2 30.3

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.

Daybreak Games
