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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Tower Breach

Tower Breach

Tower Breach Map

Tower Breach Map

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Planes of Prophecy
Level Range 113-114
Zone in from Coliseum of Valor
Entrance is at

-195, 3, -165 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo-Group
Persistence 1h 30min - 3days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  1. Go straight when you zone in. Check the map in this zone, one of them, you zone in facing the wrong way.
  2. Kill the first group in the hall, and then Gatekeeper Karatil. After this point you can use the strategy of running from name to name and letting mobs drop off. Huge zone, so it's a great time saver.
  3. Go left first, and kill a Primordial Malice Manipulator, all 4. (For speed runs, ignore the left side only kill the two names on the right side.) The left side of this dungeon is full of ice, you will slide a lot. Jump and correct your trajectory as you go. If you slide off the bridge, it's probably going to be deadly. The ramps are not icy, just the flat areas and the bridge.
  4. Go up the ramp, and on the first platform, kill Inquisitor Barol. Has adds that come in throughout the fight. Power drains.
  5. Skip a few platforms, kill Auliffe Chaoswind. Starting fighting him from the white ring at the outside edge of the bluish circle on the floor so you can back up or move forward easily. Might want to tell your merc to be passive so they don't stand on the wrong side fighting him. If you are well geared, you'll want to slow down your DPS to allow the red circle to time-out. Basically, don't dps him while he's standing in the middle of the red circle. White circles spawn at 95, 65 and 35% health, red circles spawn at 80, 50, 25 and 15%.
    • Emotes, "I am not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me!" just stay anywhere inside the frost circle.
    • When he emotes "Back off! Let's see how well you scramble!" Get outside the red ring, which is all the way outside the circle.
    • Loot the key from his body/hand, find shiny, then gate back down to loot the chest.
  6. Go back to the right side of the map now, and breeze past all the trash, to the Keeper of Past Lore. No surprises, tank and spank.
  7. Burn past everything to Gaukr Sandstorm. Casts a brief blinding spell, otherwise tank and spank. Click his body to get the key to the chest downstairs.
  8. Look for the light blue shiny (no trade) before gating back down to the bottom of the ramp and finding his chest.