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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Stonebrunt Highlands  (AA)
Introduced Sentinel's Fate
Journal Level 86 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Stonebrunt Highlands more
How to Start Speak to Alwar Tissuyr near ( 146, 411, 1183 ) Copy. You must have completed several of the other Moonfield Hamlet quests before Alwar will offer this quest to you.
part of: The Stonebrunt Highlands Timeline
Preceded by:
Eye Spy
Followed by:
Kaboritic Tephra
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. I need to take the package of Geothermic Equipment and deliver it to Jinan Haffah ( -141, 366, 707 ) Copy in Quel'ule northeast of Moonfield Hamlet, past Aglthin Pond.
    • Click the crate of Geothermic Equipment behind Alwar Tissuyr to pick it up.
    • Travel to Quel'ule. There's a Transport Station not far from Alwar.
    • Speak with Jinan Haffah-140, 366, 708 ) Copy to complete the quest.

