Speak to Alwar Tissuyr near ( 146, 411, 1183 ) Copy/waypoint 146, 411, 1183. You must have completed several of the other Moonfield Hamlet quests before Alwar will offer this quest to you.
I need to take the package of Geothermic Equipment and deliver it to Jinan Haffah ( -141, 366, 707 ) Copy/waypoint -141, 366, 707 in Quel'ule northeast of Moonfield Hamlet, past Aglthin Pond.
Click the crate of Geothermic Equipment behind Alwar Tissuyr to pick it up.
Travel to Quel'ule. There's a Transport Station not far from Alwar.
Speak with Jinan Haffah ( -140, 366, 708 ) Copy/waypoint -140, 366, 708 to complete the quest.