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Tome of the Ascended
Item 4496
MYTHICAL, The Ascended
White Adornment Slot 
822 Primary Attributes 1,361 Stamina
88,888 Health 16,428 Power
22.5% Flurry Chance
138.4% Crit Chance
51.9% Crit Bonus
2,621.6%  Potency
10 Fervor
20 Resolve
0.9 Ability Doublecast
+15 Fervor Overcap
Enlightened Ascension
Channeled Ascension
Slot Charm
Level 100 (Tier 11)

  • When Equipped:
    • Reduces the recast time of all Ascension abilities by 20%.
    • Cannot be modified except by direct means
  • Applies Channeled Ascension when Activated. Lasts for 5 minutes.
    • Increases ascension ability damage by 40.4%.
    • Cannot be modified except by direct means
    • The casting time of Channeled Ascension is 4.0 seconds and the reuse time of the spell is 4 hours
Obtain: Reward from the Achievement "The Ascended"

\aITEM 164069396 1329238712:Tome of the Ascended\/a \aITEM 164069396 1329238712:Tome of the Ascended\/a
What does this information mean?

  • There is a Mythical Greater Tome of the Ascended you can achieve by raising all 4 Ascension Levels to level 15 which gives you 1 more point of Fervor over the Tradeskill Signature Line crafted item which has a 10 point fervor boost.

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