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Token of Heroism

Token of Heroism

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Currency
Token of Heroism
Item 974
A specially minted coin in honor of Heroes' Festival. Very few merchants will accept this as currency!
Obtain: Received from various Heroes' Festival quests.

\aITEM 10033133 2010428279:Token of Heroism\/a \aITEM 10033133 2010428279:Token of Heroism\/a
What does this information mean?


These tokens may be used to purchase special event-themed items from Heroes' Festival merchants.

  • This is one of two special currencies during the event. This currency is used to buy most (but not all) of the house items.
  • This type is an option for completing regular quests, while the other (Mischeva's Tribute) is from defeating the "patchwork" bosses and completing the various achievements. The Tribute currency is used to buy limited house items and is primarily used to by powerful weapons and armor.

Mischevas-tribute This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Heroes' Festival event. Heroes' Festival comes to Norrath for a short time, generally around the beginning of November.

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