EverQuest 2 Wiki

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EverQuest II Player Housing Information
Introduced Rise of Kunark
City Gorowyn
Zone Timorous Deep
Location The Wards2829, 129, 1192 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Cost 1p 70g
Upkeep 7g
Rooms 6
Vault Slots 6

What does this information mean?

Here are screenshots of the current Timorous Heights: 6 Room floorplan. I have also included screenshots of the spectacular view from the balcony, facing in and facing out. Floorplan screenshots are taken in game with the help of EQ2Map. All of the information above is correct, ie. Cost, Upkeep, Rooms and Vault Slots. In addition, I have left the old 5 Room video at the end so you can see the style Gorowyn Has to offer.

Timorous Heights- Main Floor

Timorous Heights: Main Floor

Timorous Heights top floor

Timeorous Heights: Top Floor

Timorous Heights- Basement

Timorous Heights: Basement

Timorous Heights floorplan and view 2

Timorous Heights: Looking In

Timorous Heights floorplan and view 01

Timorous Heights: Looking Out


Gorowyn 5 room

Old 5 Room Floorplan
