Either you or someone in your group must have completed Punja's Progression to scale the ice wall in the Halls of Learning or know the alternate route around the ledge.
Alternatively, there's a way to get to the top without the wall. Head to the north side, jump up the rocks just east of the central wall, then walk along the lip of that wall, southward, until you get to the break in the wall, Then head west, then north along the lip until you get to the slightly lower wall. Now you're on top.
Kill channel cleansers ( 123, 31, 477 ) Copy/waypoint 123, 31, 477 until you receive all the runes. They will drop a small chest that will contain one rune. Quest will update when each rune that is needed is looted:
To spawn Thalbinous you have to kill all three groups of fiendish weedlings found in the Halls of Learning. One group spawns by Thalbinous, the second on one side the Hall and third on the other. When all are dead run back up the ice wall and speak to Thalbinous.