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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Shadeweaver's Thicket
Introduced Reign of Shadows
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Shadeweaver's Thicket more
How to Start Speak to Kapasha Talmil in Shadeweaver's Thicket-494, 158, -787 ) Copy
part of: Reign of Shadows Timeline
Preceded by:
The Whole Owlbear
Followed by:
Reign of Shadows: Whispered Blessings

What does this information mean?

Soulstarer Pelt


  1. Kill and steal the following
    • Note: Take the 'a sacred spirit' flightpath to Forward Camp from next to the quest giver. Head across Forbidden Bridge ( 116, 43, -266 ) Copy. Head to the southwest you will find the Loda Kai human traders. The pelts are on the ground and look like fur rugs near the tents. ( 488, 38, 462 ) Copy
    • Slay 12 Loda Kai ( 569, 13, 535 ) Copy
    • Steal 6 Soulstarer Pelts.
      • Note: There are many of these on the heroic side, separated by the bridge, if you can survive the hits long enough to snatch and run. While the pelts do not respawn for you, there are 6 on the non-heroic section.
  2. Return to Kapasha Talmil.

