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EverQuest 2 Spell Information
Thermal Depletion
Spell 1046
HO Wheel Icon needed
It is one thing to destroy your enemies, but it is another to watch them wither before you. Watch their strength and will seep away, and feel their desperation as they realize that they only get weaker as you get stronger. Drain them of the fire within them, and feel them weaken and collapse under your assault.

Target Group
Power 2237
Casting 600
Recast 6 minutes 40 seconds
Duration 200
Range 50 meters
Level 3

  • On a hit this spell will cast Thermal Depletion on target of attack. Lasts for 6.6 seconds.
    • Decreases Fervor of target by X
    • This effect can only trigger once every 1.0 second.
This spell has no higher-level versions

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
Decreases Fervor of target by X ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.

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