Locate the lost pieces of Canon in the Fens of Nathsar: (group updated so only 1 person per location needed)
Lake of Ill Omen ( 435, -146, 622 ) Copy/waypoint 435, -146, 622 (in the water)
Swamp of No Hope ( -611, -112, 1471 ) Copy/waypoint -611, -112, 1471 (blends in with the ground)
Field of Bone ( -1560, -379, -1906 ) Copy/waypoint -1560, -379, -1906 (inside the burrow)
Return to Xuurk in the Lost Temple
Locate evidence of those who have suffered under the anger of Cazic-Thule:
Collect 5 red shinies (not trackable) on the ground near Venril's Crown ( 81, -119, -311 ) Copy/waypoint 81, -119, -311 in the Jarsath Wastes
Note: The red shinies do not despawn after you gather them, but they will not update your quest a second time. You can only interact with the ones you have not yet gathered. Keep looking for ones that do update your quest.
Protip: follow the contour "lines" of the crater, loop around Luclin Meteorite once, as way to not miss any as well as limit overlapping red shinies in crater. (Look all along the track of the furrow dug by the meteorite.)
Collect 5 piles of dark bones in the Commonlands across the river far south of the Southern Crossroads Savanna (search along the ruins) ( -542, -45, 393 ) Copy/waypoint -542, -45, 393
See the talk page for known locations in the Commonlands and Jarsath Wastes
Hunt 8 Thullosians in the Moors of Ykesha ( 432, -41, -156 ) Copy/waypoint 432, -41, -156 (southwest of Firmroot Moot) (grey kills count)