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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Journal Level 65 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone The Bonemire more
How to Start Speak to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle in the Doomwing Dig Site-20, 44, 497 ) Copy
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
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A soil sample

a soil sample

This quest can be started at level 60. Make sure you know the Gnomish language first as it is needed to begin this quest!

You have to rescue an ambushed gnome near the doomwing dig site in order to start this quest. Go to 117, 69, 578 . Two Ambushers and a gnome will spawn, save the gnome from the ambushers before he dies. Speak to him to get the quest.

  1. Harvest 5 purple goo from the purple rivers. ( 44, 88, 588 ) Copy
  2. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle-20, 43, 500 ) Copy and receive Fizzwoddle's Core Sampler.
  3. Sample the ground using the core sampler at the following locations:
  4. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle.
  5. Enter Hive Vornerus on the southern island ( 72, 101, 960 ) Copy and collect 10 soil samples.
    • The soil samples are only found inside the hive, not the exterior.
    • There is a climbable wall at ( 18, 128, 930 ) Copy, which you can use to avoid or break aggro.
  6. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle.
  7. Go to the central island, and harvest a Gnomish Dizzwangle from the very lowest reaches of the island. ( -123, -771, 296 ) Copy
    Quest The Wondrous Inventions of a Crazed gnome a gnomish dizzwangle

    A Gnomish Dizzwangle

    • The item may not appear immediately when you approach the area. You may need to move around the area to trigger the spawn.
    • You will know the item has spawned when you get the message "Careful! It's windy down here!"
    • Make sure you collect the item shortly after you see the message. If not collected, it will despawn after a few minutes.
    • After collecting the item, you will be tossed into the air. Remember, you can steer back towards the island. Facing inwards towards the center of the island when you collect the item can help ensure you land safely.
  8. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle.
  9. Kill the following:
    1. A Vornerus drone for 5 common updates, near ( 182, 63, 1019 ) Copy or ( 212, 62, 859 ) Copy.
    2. A fetidthorn horror for 5 common updates, near ( -188, 77, 950 ) Copy.
  10. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle.
  11. Grab Gimdimble's Tools from the central island. ( 240, -355, -32 ) Copy
    The Wondrous Inventions of a Crazed Gnome - Gimdimbles Tools

    Gimbimble's stolen tools

  12. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle.
  13. Kill the "thing", that dwells around the entrance to The Halls of Fate.
    • To spawn the young dragon if his timer is ready: Go the entrance of the Halls of Fate at ( -2, -375, -31 ) Copy. The young dragon will spawn down near where you picked up the cog earlier, and slowly fly up to his perch on the Halls of Fate building (takes about 5 minutes).
    • The dragon has an incredible knockback that can throw you over the island's edge if you're not careful.
    • Group Suggestion: Keep your group at bottom of the stairs at the entrance into Halls of Fate building. Have one group member with the quest go and spawn the dragon, then run back. When the young dragon reaches its perch just above entrance, have your tank walk out and pull the young dragon inside and down to the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. The walls and ceiling surrounding the staircase will prevent you from being knocked around too far.
  14. Return to Gimdimble Fizzwoddle. ( -20, 44, 497 ) Copy
  15. Equip the cap he gives you with +200 Safe Fall, then use the rocket pack that he also gave you. After a short ride straight-up and a long fall down, go speak to Gimdimble again for your reward.

