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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Loping Plains
Introduced Echoes of Faydwer
Journal Level 75 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Loping Plains more
How to Start Use the Whistle of the Freethinker to speak with Brand on the steps outside the Castle Mistmoore683, 187, 105 ) Copy
part of: Loping Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Infiltrator in the House of Mistmoore
Followed by:
Experimentation Most Foul
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • You can choose to get to the guest quarters one of 2 ways:
    • If you go in the front door, proceed to the chapel area at the back of the main piano room and head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a room with several linked Epic x2 mobs, assorted Heroic ^^^s and occasionally the Count of Somnborn. The guest quarters are off the side of this room down another staircase and right, down the hall.
    • You can also approach the guest quarters from the bottom coming up through the catacombs. Take the hall south from the spiral staircase, proceed up and then West at the T intersection straight past the Maid's room and the Fountain room will be the guest quarters.


  1. Go to the Guest Quarters. ( -73, -5, 71 ) Copy
  2. Inspect the chest in Graf Koban's room. ( -24, -4, 54 ) Copy
  3. Inspect the chest in Viktor T'Hoth's room. ( -42, -5, 42 ) Copy
  4. Inspect the book in Voevoda B'Aelsqui's room. ( -93, -4, 43 ) Copy
  5. Return to the Graf Koban's room and inspect a bedside table. ( -21, -4, 55 ) Copy
  6. Retun to Voevoda B'Aelsqui's room and inspect a bedside table. ( -47, -4, 40 ) Copy
  7. Return to Viktor T'Hoth's room and inspect the desk to the left of the door as you enter. ( -71, -5, 55 ) Copy
  8. Return to Brand for a new enchanted flute and Freethinker status.

