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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced The Shadow Odyssey
Journal Level 84 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice more
How to Start Read the book Sailing with Three Sheets to the Wind. ( -213, 14, 109 ) Copy
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
Preceded by:
The Triumph of Fear
Followed by:
The Book of Thex (Quest)
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

bgcolor="lightblue" Tip: You may wish to start the questline for gaining faction with The League of Freethinkers as it proceeds in parallel with this quest and requires going to the same zones in the same order; Evernight Abbey, Mistmyr Manor and Ravenscale Repository. It starts in Loping Plains with the quest A Prince in Peril.


Miragul's Phylactery in the main area of Everfrost, just north of "The Menagerie".

You need +20,000 faction with the Guktan Guard to proceed with step 4.

In the right, upper wing, all the way to the end area where the Arcanus spawns, you will find the book in the shard chest room. It is on the floor and when clicked, you will receive: Sailing with Three Sheets to the Wind. You can pick the book up at level 75 and receive the quest, however, you cannot enter Nu'roga until level 80.


  1. Speak to Rotheck Dragonforge1803, 452, 962 ) Copy in Moors of Ykesha at the Dropship Landing Zone.
    • Make sure you still have the book that starts the quest on you or he won't talk to you.
  2. Rotheck sends you to gather the following items to make a necklace for him:
    • 12 blue sapphires from Nu'roga. The entrance to Nu'Roga is just within the Mines of Nurga (Fens of Nathsar). The path to the mines (closest sokokar post is Drogan's Exiles) is at ( -371, -2, -1329 ) Copy. Enter the tunnel and, a few feet in, turn right and follow the tunnel and climb up to enter Nu'roga. The sapphires drop from small wooden chests, so be sure to check these and not ignore them.
    • A fay-formed ingot from Evernight Abbey (Loping Plains) [found at ( 105, -6, -120 ) Copy or at ( 151, -7, -120 ) Copy].
      • The ingot at ( 151, -7, -120 ) Copy is retrieved by clicking on a small jewelry case at the bottom of the bookshelf
    • An incarnadine cluster which may be harvested, purchased from the broker, placed on the broker then removed, traded from another player or retrieved from a Harvest Depot.
      • Note: got an auto-ding for this step while having incarnadine clusters in the shared bank.
  3. Speak with Ward Glanral near the Tupta Balloon landing Moors of Ykesha at ( -55, -79, 467 ) Copy.
    • You must have an incarnadine cluster in your inventory for him to advance the quest, even if you already had one for the previous step.
      • Note: he will speak to you if you have incarnadine clusters in the shared bank rather than in your inventory.
  4. Obtain the following items:
    • A rough fire emerald which may be harvested, purchased from the broker, placed on the broker then removed, traded from another player or retrieved from a Harvest Depot.
      • Note: again, got an auto-ding for this step while having fire emeralds in the shared bank.
    • A swampsoaked amethyst, purchased from Hopgip Goodsale at ( -38, -52, 839 ) Copy for 12g or Fippit Goodsale at ( 2, -55, 836 ) Copy or Valor Goodsale-81, -54, 817 ) Copy. You must have +20,000 faction with the Guktan Guard to purchase this. This is no-trade and only available on the merchant if you have the quest. Note: The "Guise of Pursuit" works for this faction requirement.
      • Note: See the Talk page for ways to build faction with the Guktan Guard.
  5. Return to Ward Glanral. You must have both items in your inventory or you cannot proceed.
    • Note: again, Ward advanced this step while having fire emeralds in the shared bank.
  6. Go to Befallen: Necrotic Asylum (Commonlands, enter the building at 633, -64, 797 and go to entrance at 564, -58, 916 to zone in) to find 6 sapphires, updates from killing shimmering miners, shimmering excavators and shimmering laborers. ( -126, -29, 66 ) Copy (Pull Captain Hamyr from a distance before proceeding down the hall to avoid adds.)
  7. Return to Ward Glanral-54, -79, 471 ) Copy in Moors. (Smirk as he 'dings' on creation of the Kaladim Triple Sapphire pendant)
  8. Now return to Rotheck Dragonforge (located at the dropship area in moors). He'll tell you the cloak was made for a royal family member of Thex, and suggests you track down the last owner: Queen Lenya Thex in Mistmyr Manor (not Mistmoore Castle).
    • Queen Lenya Thex is located in a 'hidden' room with a 'locked' door that only opens after you've killed most, if not all, of the named in the Manor. The named in the Main Ballroom is hard - we never did kill him after several attempts. We cleared the rest of the zone, finishing at the top (where the void shard chest is located). In that room we found a 'hidden' passage behind a bookcase (44.8,26.3,-376) that slides away when a candelabra sitting on a table near the bookcase was toggled. This passage led back to the previously 'locked' hidden door that led to another passage to a room with Queen Lenya and two named in it. * CAUTION: Should you find Lord Mistmoore's bedroom....DO NOT JUMP IN THE CASKET!! You can only evac if you do.
    • You get to her bedchamber by clicking on the picture at ( 162, 29, -259 ) then read the book at ( 165, 32, -318 ).
  9. Read the journal on the floor next to Queen Lenya Thex162, 32, -310 ) Copy
  10. Kill T'Lon the Powermonger in Ravenscale Repository. Go back to the Loping Plains to Somborn Cemetery and enter the building at ( -375, 16, 54 ) and once inside enter the Ravenscale portal. To get to the Powermonger, click on the post of skulls to make the platform move across the red moat. There is a skull post on the other side for returning.

