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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Sentinel's Fate
Level Range 93-98
Zone in from The Sundered Frontier
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Raid x2
Persistence 2 days 20 hours - 7 days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


To have access to this zone, at least one person in the raid must have completed the quest line that starts with Daecon Joh'n on the airship docks in Paineel. The final quest, The Captain's Crystal, requires killing the last boss of The Vigilant: Rescue. Each member must be level 90 to enter, but only one person on the raid (the one clicking the raid party in to the zone) is required to completed the access quest.

Named Encounters[]

  1. Thanaraax
  2. Cadducian, Raamum, and Tartan of Zek
  3. Melagrognan
  4. High Marus Alaric
  5. Kratulus
  6. Kage-Zonn Prime Zoz
  7. Trajin Cedon
  8. Prime Trajin Ghis