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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Blood of Luclin
Level Range 115-120
Zone in from Wracklands
Entrance is at

727, 77, 696 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 90 minutes - 3 days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  • Zone from Wracklands using the portal at ( 727, 77, 696 ) Copy
  • As you have to clear nearly every trashmob in this zone to proceed, bring in also a bit more time...


  1. Go north through the door and short hall
  2. Wroth'Ra, the First Cylinder.
    • Kill all the two groups of eternal sentries.
    • Pick up either the Fer Orb (red) or the Lek Orb (blue) and proceed through the barrier of the matching color. You can only carry one orb at a time. (For me red should be first or you have to reset this stage)
      • Note for the Heroic version: there will be 3 orbs to move, and all must be placed for non-orb-carrying group members to cross the barriers.
    • Kill all the eternal sentries in the side room, then place the orb on the pillar in that room.
    • Kill the Akeveans that spawn.
    • The placed orb changes to a Crys Orb (purple). Collect the orb and exit the room.
    • Place the Crys Orb on the empty pillar in the first room.
    • Repeat for the other side.
    • Placing the second Crys Orb back in the main room spawns Nev Dax'Thall between the orbs.
    • Defeat Nev Dax'Thall.
      • Once the fight begins, pick up a Crys Orb to increase damage done to her. Note: Also increases the damage done to you.
      • Massive power drains
      • When she emotes gathers heat to throw your way, she's about to throw Flare of Vex'Fer, an elemental detriment that does 100M+ damage per tick. Cure it quick!
    • Press the Floor Panel at ( -263, -161, 656 ) Copy to open the door to the next room.
      • Note for the Heroic version: the panel will not be clickable until a group member has gone and stood in the circles of rotating yellow spikes in the side rooms and turned them red. The period of clickability is very brief: one person will need to stand by the panel ready to click as soon as it comes "live" while everyone else runs round switching circles from yellow to red. This applies to all 4 cylinders except each successive cylinder adds another panel that will need to be triggered.
    • Proceed through the doorway.
  3. Xivex'Shoth, the Second Cylinder
    • Kill all the eternal sentries.
    • Stand on the small platform at ( -274, -161, 602 ) Copy or ( -252, -161, 602 ) Copy until it lights up then run into the room beyond.
    • Kill all the shadelings and shadowbeasts. Note: They cast many arcane and elemental detriments, and have knockbacks.
    • Repeat for the other side.
    • Defeat Gloombeast Azrinax. Note: He spawns in the opposite side room.
      • Periodically summons adds.
    • Press both Floor Panels near ( -263, -162, 583 ) Copy.
      • (See above note for the Heroic version)
    • Proceed through the doorway.
  4. Yhov'Shriz, the Third Cylinder
    • Kill all the eternal sentries.
    • Clear the Akhevans and vortex spinner (and it's goupmembers) in both side rooms to spawn Umbral Lord Yzo in the center room.
      • Western room has an DoT, Soul Vortex (1.5M - 3.0M damage per 3 seconds (center of room)).
      • Eastern room has an DoT, Mind Vortex (35k - 80k damage per 3 seconds (center of room)).
      • You can pull the mobs out of the side rooms while standing just at the threshold to avoid the power drain.
    • Defeat Umbral Lord Yzo.
      • During the fight Umbral Lord Yzo will casts 'Trail of Darkness' and ports himself into a side room and become damage immune.
      • Kill all the five a shadowspren in the room he teleports to. To remove his damage immunity kill the shadowsprens, they are non-aggro, each being held by a pair of shissar statues around the edges of the two black mist rings in the side rooms.
      • While Lord Yzo is immune to damage you will have a life and power drain on you, Shadow Vortex.
    • Press all Floor Panels near ( -263, -162, 508 ) Copy.
      • (See above note for the Heroic version)
    • Proceed through the doorway.
  5. Zzissera, the Final Cylinder
    • Kill all the eternal sentries in the main and side rooms.
    • Drop down the hole into the water below, then follow the hallway south.
    • After killing the named, return to the hole where you dropped down and activate the button to return up to the main hall.
  6. Vorzahir, Chamber of Ice
    • Clear the shadowbeasts and all kind of shissar adds in the room.
      • Note: The name is already active and wanders the room, be careful if you want to pull him alone.
      • The shadowbeasts have knockbacks. They also detarget, so be careful with tab-targeting.
    • Defeat Shadow Rhozth Ikeshzi.
    • Head north back along the hallway and click the glowing Lift Switch to rise back up to Zzissera, the Final Cylinder.
    • Press all Floor Panels near ( -263, -162, 433 ) Copy
      • (See above note for the Heroic version)
    • Proceed through the northern doorway to an antechamber.
    • Kill all the eternal sentries.
    • Note: If you are on Shattered Dawn: Vault in the Wound, speak to Zictirris before you go further.
  7. The Vault of Ssraeshza
    • Clear the shissar adds at the entrance to clear your way to Shade of Vyzh'dra.
    • Defeat Shade of Vyzh'dra.
      • As you attack her, a barrier will activated around the center of the room. You can not pull her out of the room..
      • Move her to avoid the beam of black that emanates from the central pillar. The beam starts facing south and rotates clockwise.
      • Each full cycle of the beam adds another beam.
      • Periodically summons adds soldier of shadows.
      • An exit portal appears near the entrance once she is defeated.