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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Kylong Plains more
How to Start Offered after completing The Pride of the Chokidai.
part of: Fury Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
The Pride of the Chokidai
Followed by:
The Cunning of the Trakaraptor

What does this information mean?


  1. Head to Fens of Nathsar, use Cockatrice mask and speak to a sharp stonebeak at ( 357, -59, 1012 ) Copy.
  2. Kill Nathsar stonebeaks for juveniles (15). These will update the quest even if grey to your level.
  3. Kill 3 pairs of beta stonebeaks (the paired cockatrices) i.e. domineering cockatrices
  4. Go to nest at ( 417, -99, 867 ) Copy by fishmen and click it, kill Bluequill (80^) that pops
  5. Go back to a sharp stonebeak
  6. Kill alpha instinct (83^^ Heroic)
    • (Note: Another tough fight if solo, same tactics as previous quest, but actually slightly easier than the Kylong Plains one as this one doesn't hit you with the dot).
  7. Harvest the rock (Respawns every 5-10 minutes)


This quest is part of the Fury Epic Weapon Timeline, and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.
