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The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Shattered Lands
Level Range 20-70
Zone in from Qeynos or Freeport
Entrances are at

Good-aligned: Qeynos Capitol District at ( 567, -10, 162 ) Copy
Evil-aligned: The City of Freeport at ( -122, -38, 40 ) Copy

Parent Zone Shattered Vale
Required Quest A Lordly Confrontation
Difficulty Raid x2
Persistence 2 days 20 hours - 7 days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


A group of Unkempt Druids have assembled in the Shattered Vale. They are seeking a temporary alliance between wild entities of the natural realm in an effort to attack Qeynos and Freeport. This cannot be allowed to transpire!


Eliminate the conspirators:

  • Take down the four conspirators in the zone: three ambassadors to aspects of nature (druids, nymphs and pixies) and finally the main giant tree.
  • There are wandering mobs all around, just like in The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation. Heroic mobs are interspersed with epics throughout the entire area.
    • You'll also notice a ring of treants surrounding the Druid Ring as well, however they are non-aggro. It is recommnded to clear them out anyway, just in case they become active during a boss fight.
  • The first ambassador is to the left in near the tents, another is to the right in a little bend, and another is back behind the druid ring.
    • The first ambassador (druid) is to the left in the tents and will drop a chest. He has a minor stun, but that's about it.
    • The second ambassador (nymph) is to the right and doesn't drop anything. She has a brief charm.
    • The third ambassador (pixies) is in the back.

Final Boss[]

Adds will constantly spawn while the boss is AoE'ing and debuffing the entire raid.

  • Adds:
    • There are devices sitting on the Druid Ring that you can click to "release poison into the ground".
      • Have one person run back and forth, or two people one at each, constantly clicking these devices (there's a message that flashes across the screen when they are ready) and you won't get adds.
  • AoE:
    • To deal with the AoE, have all ranged classes stay at max range, so only the MT (Main Tank) takes damage.
  • Dispel/debuff:
    • The final problem, and what still makes this hard, is that the boss will periodically dispel the entire raid. Your MT will lose HP buffs, defensive buffs, healing buffs, and hate buffs. Your raid will lose power-regen, and any other DPS buffs they give themselves or to the group. So, you have to hold back a bit so the tank can keep aggro, but at the same time your power-regen is constantly depleting.
      • Have 5-6 healers with two constantly rebuffing.


The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: the Zone is called "The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation"
